Society & Culture & Entertainment Music

Easy Guitar Lessons - Notes

If you want to learn to play guitar correctly you need to learn notes and their positions on the keyboard.
They are the basis of chords, soloing, scales and so on.
Once mastered, playing guitar becomes a source of enjoyment rather than one of frustration.
Notes are the basic elements of music theory.
there are 7 major notes named after the first 7 letters of the alphabet: A,  B,  C,  D,  E,  F,  G The 12 note scale of the guitar consists of: A,  Bb,  B,  C,  C#,  D,  Eb,  E,  F,  F#,  G,  G# A note gets progressively higher going up the fretboard from fret to fret.
In the 12 note scale, the distance between notes A-B, C-D, D-E and F-G are 2 frets.
The notes between these major notes are known as Sharps (#) or Flats (b).
A Sharp is 1 note higher than the major note and the Flat one note lower.
Notes B-C and E- F have only 1 fret spanning them.
This 12 note scale remains consistent all over the fretboard.
Although a note with the same name can be played in many different positions, the individual pitch will differ with one note sounding higher, or lower, than another.
The open strings on a guitar consist of the notes: E [low],  A,  D,  G,  B,  E [high] An easy way to remember them is by: Eddie Ate Dynamite GoodBye Eddie The 12 note scale starts at the open note of each string and progresses up the fretboard.
At the 12th fret the scale starts over again.
The note at the 12th fret is known being an octave higher than the same note on the open string.
Tip: Holding the fingers positioned correctly is very important.
Always place the thumb behind the neck centered between the span of the fingers.
Cup the fingers and keep them straight.
Letting the fingers fall sideways may cause "buzzing" or muting of the strings.
Long fingernails can also cause problems, so keep them cut short.
It is extremely important you learn the name of the notes and their positions all over the fretboard.
Yes, I know this may seem tedious and boring.
However, do not look on it as a chore or punishment for learning music.
It will be easier than you think, and once you have them mastered, will make learning chords and their progressions, scales, soloing etc.
, so much easier and fun.
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