Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Are There Ways To Make Conceiving a Girl Possible?

Many parents have specific things in mind when it comes to the gender of their children.
For some people, they are goal oriented and they may only have one child that they plan on having.
For them, it may be an important decision to choose whether they will have a boy or a girl.
It may also be that the parents want to keep a specific birth order for some reason or another.
Regardless of why they want to predetermine the gender of their child, many decide theywant to find a way of conceiving a girl.
One way that you can do this is actually very interesting.
The most popular natural way of conceiving a girl, is by using the Shettles method of gender selection.
Actually, this is a method that is based on some fact, and has been proven to work for many couples that are trying to predetermine the gender of the child.
It has a lot to do with the timing of when the couple will have intercourse as to which of the sperm, the X or the Y is present when the egg is ready to be fertilized.
That is why it is important, when using the Shettles method to chart your ovulation very carefully for several months leading up to conception.
The woman will be able to determine the exact time when she ovulates by using several different methods.
First, she can chart her cervical mucus or do some BBT charting in order to determine the exact moment of ovulation.
She may also chart her basal body temperature to further pinpoint that time period.
Extensive instruction on these methods is available with the Shettles method.
By having intercourse a few days before ovulation takes place, you are giving the opportunity for the faster, shorter living male sperm to reach the fallopian tubes and die, allowing the slower, longer living female sperm to be waiting for the egg when it is released.
Of course, this is not the only method for conceiving a girl, but it is one of the most popular.
There are also some natural Chinese methods that have helped many individuals and they can be done along with the Shettles method.
You can also try making some dietary changes, paying particular attention to the amount of Calcium and Magnesium that you are eating.
All of these can aid you in your attempt to have that girl baby you are dreaming of.
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