Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

Some Interesting Facts about Hair Transplant in India

Many advancements and developments have been made in the field of modern science and medication. Various cosmetic surgery procedures are being used all over the world to help people overcome the imperfections in their looks. One such extremely popular and useful cosmetic surgery procedure is Hair Transplant. There were times, when this advanced procedure was not available in India, but today, things have changed. The facilities for Hair Transplant in India can match to the best of the international standards. Many world renowned cosmetic surgeons practice in India. They offer best infrastructure and technique to cure the hair loss problems.

People all across the globe generally want a permanent cure for their hair loss conditions. Various hair loss treatments are quite popular, but none of these remedies can offer a permanent cure. The most effective and permanent Hair loss Treatment in Kolkata is hair transplant. This cosmetic surgery procedure provides a sure answer to the problem of baldness. The results of this modern cosmetic surgery are also amazing. Before the surgery, the cosmetic surgeons talk at length with the patient. They explain and discuss various important aspects of the surgery to the patients. Hair transplant surgery is performed under local anesthesia. During the entire surgery, the donor and the recipient areas are made numb by the administrated dose of local anesthesia. Till some time back, round grafts or plugs were used throughout the hair transplant surgery. These have now been replaced by smaller grafts like, follicular units; micro, mini or slit grafts. These grafts produce a more natural transition from baldness or thinning to increased growth of hair. The hair transplant surgeons give all pre and postoperative instructions. They try to ensure that the risk of graft injury is minimized so that subsequent hair growth can take place. This is a completely a safe surgical procedure. Hair transplant in the country is being done by the country's leading cosmetic surgeons.

These expert cosmetic surgeons also offer special procedure called ‘scalp reduction' to their patients. This particular technique is best to deal with the cases of extensive hair loss and baldness. The number of sessions required hair transplant generally differs from person to person. The area of scalp that requires treatment, number and size of the grafts that are to be used and density of hair desired by the patient are a few very vital factors. Moreover, future rate of hair loss, current stage of hair loss, individual characteristics of hair, total time span in which the patient wishes to complete the treatment are certain other important aspects that are closely linked with this cosmetic surgery procedure.

Although, many medicine stores in the city are stocked with medicines that claim to provide a complete Hair loss Treatment in Kolkata, but none of these medicines can provide a successful and safe cure. The most viable option to cure baldness is hair transplant. The cosmetic surgeons of the country offer this procedure at very reasonable price. With best techniques, surgeons and infrastructure anyone can get a complete cure from baldness with Hair Transplant in India. Hair transplant surgery will help you to get back your lost tresses.

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