Thinking of getting or have your own domain? Want to know how you can upload a photograph you have taken onto a website? Taking pictures of the subjects we like and love is great, but it can be even greater if we want to incorporate those pictures to highlight a specific story or theme we are running on a website.
First of all, photographs are unlike banners in so much as a banner does not need to be re-sized before uploading, and in many cases if it is someone else's banner then you would not need to add your own URL.
While simplistic enough it still seems to elude a lot of people that want to upload some of their own pictures.
Creating Websites the Easy Way Having a website is one thing, but adding content to it exactly how we wish to is another, in most cases people working on websites these days tend to use a HTML Editor or WYSIWYG Editor (What You See Is What You Get), which makes things a whole lot easier.
It really is a case of simply typing text into text boxes where you want to and inserting your images using a cut and paste process.
One of the really easy ones I have used is called Nvu, which offers a free online version, but there are many to choose from, it really is down to user comfort and ease.
Most picture images or photographs you take will tend to be quite a large file size, this means in actual visible size and megabytes, so the first thing you would wish to do is reduce this so as not to use too much domain space as well as slowing the loading of the entire webpage down.
So, assuming that you have imported the photo onto our computer from your camera the next stage is to reduce its size.
How to Resize Your Stored Photographs Again there are some free software downloads online that you can use to resize the picture as well as Paint, which is a windows application which will do the trick just as well.
One such application is called Mihov Image Resizer, which is free online.
For using Paint you will first need to open the picture from where you have it saved on your computer, then by selecting the Image tab at the top of the page a drop down menu will appear where you can pretty much do most things to the picture, but for this exercise you will need to select Resize/Skew this will open a box where you can change the size properties.
When first using the Paint application it is always better to test the edited image until the correct size is achieved, probably about 15 to 30% should be more than enough.
Once the desired size of image is achieved you will need to give this photo a unique name, one that you will recognise what it refers to if you just saw it in URL format.
For instance if the picture is of a red stag deer or deer rutting you might call this Red-Deer-Stag and Red-Deer-Stags-Rutting, I am sure you get my drift.
This way when you save the URL along with all the others you will easily know which one relates to which picture.
Uploading Your Picture to a Domain So far you have resized and saved the picture on your computer, now you need to upload it to your domain, for this you will need to open your domain and access the control panel.
As most domain panels vary due to hosting it is difficult to go through every control panel procedure, but as cPanel seems to be the most common we will use this type to demonstrate the upload procedure, but most others will have the same facilities, just a different layout.
First you will need to open the File Manager, then if you have not already got one Create New File from top menu and call it Images, go into images and select upload files, in the boxes that appear select browse and locate where the photo that you resized is on your computer, choose the photograph once located and put a tick in the Overwrite existing file box, then click on the Upload button.
On the right hand side you will get a text stating that your upload has been successful.
Close the page and you should see the text for your photograph, by clicking the image preceding the text in the left hand column you should see details appear in the right hand side including the URL.
Click the URL and a new window will open revealing the exact image that you have just uploaded from your computer to your domain.
It is important to keep records of ANY domain URL that you create.
Now you need to open up your HTML Editor or WYSIWYG Editor on the webpage that you have been creating.
Select where you want to place the image on your webpage and install, this is normally done by selecting Image from the top tab menu in most Editors and adding the URL and an Alternate text.
After installing the image your webpage will now display the photograph once you upload the edited webpage to the domain or re-upload it to overwrite existing file.
First of all, photographs are unlike banners in so much as a banner does not need to be re-sized before uploading, and in many cases if it is someone else's banner then you would not need to add your own URL.
While simplistic enough it still seems to elude a lot of people that want to upload some of their own pictures.
Creating Websites the Easy Way Having a website is one thing, but adding content to it exactly how we wish to is another, in most cases people working on websites these days tend to use a HTML Editor or WYSIWYG Editor (What You See Is What You Get), which makes things a whole lot easier.
It really is a case of simply typing text into text boxes where you want to and inserting your images using a cut and paste process.
One of the really easy ones I have used is called Nvu, which offers a free online version, but there are many to choose from, it really is down to user comfort and ease.
Most picture images or photographs you take will tend to be quite a large file size, this means in actual visible size and megabytes, so the first thing you would wish to do is reduce this so as not to use too much domain space as well as slowing the loading of the entire webpage down.
So, assuming that you have imported the photo onto our computer from your camera the next stage is to reduce its size.
How to Resize Your Stored Photographs Again there are some free software downloads online that you can use to resize the picture as well as Paint, which is a windows application which will do the trick just as well.
One such application is called Mihov Image Resizer, which is free online.
For using Paint you will first need to open the picture from where you have it saved on your computer, then by selecting the Image tab at the top of the page a drop down menu will appear where you can pretty much do most things to the picture, but for this exercise you will need to select Resize/Skew this will open a box where you can change the size properties.
When first using the Paint application it is always better to test the edited image until the correct size is achieved, probably about 15 to 30% should be more than enough.
Once the desired size of image is achieved you will need to give this photo a unique name, one that you will recognise what it refers to if you just saw it in URL format.
For instance if the picture is of a red stag deer or deer rutting you might call this Red-Deer-Stag and Red-Deer-Stags-Rutting, I am sure you get my drift.
This way when you save the URL along with all the others you will easily know which one relates to which picture.
Uploading Your Picture to a Domain So far you have resized and saved the picture on your computer, now you need to upload it to your domain, for this you will need to open your domain and access the control panel.
As most domain panels vary due to hosting it is difficult to go through every control panel procedure, but as cPanel seems to be the most common we will use this type to demonstrate the upload procedure, but most others will have the same facilities, just a different layout.
First you will need to open the File Manager, then if you have not already got one Create New File from top menu and call it Images, go into images and select upload files, in the boxes that appear select browse and locate where the photo that you resized is on your computer, choose the photograph once located and put a tick in the Overwrite existing file box, then click on the Upload button.
On the right hand side you will get a text stating that your upload has been successful.
Close the page and you should see the text for your photograph, by clicking the image preceding the text in the left hand column you should see details appear in the right hand side including the URL.
Click the URL and a new window will open revealing the exact image that you have just uploaded from your computer to your domain.
It is important to keep records of ANY domain URL that you create.
Now you need to open up your HTML Editor or WYSIWYG Editor on the webpage that you have been creating.
Select where you want to place the image on your webpage and install, this is normally done by selecting Image from the top tab menu in most Editors and adding the URL and an Alternate text.
After installing the image your webpage will now display the photograph once you upload the edited webpage to the domain or re-upload it to overwrite existing file.