Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Discover How Taking Fish Oil During Pregnancy Can Significantly Benefit Both Mother and Baby

For as long as I can remember, the benefits of fish oil and pregnancy have been known and recent research shows just how important they are to help with the baby's development and the mother's health.
  With an estimated 80% of pregnant mothers being deficient in omega 3, it is vital and recommended to take a quality daily supplement.
  This deficiency is caused by the fact that we cannot make omega 3's, they must come from our diet and with oily fish being the best source and restricted to one portion a week because of contamination, it must be obtained from another source.
  Fish oil and pregnancy are a perfect fit helping to raise the IQ of the baby and lead to less behavioural problems later on with better sleep patterns too.
  More recent studies from Australia have shown that these omega 3 fats, mainly DHA and EPA, are responsible for improved hand-eye coordination, better comprehension and vocabulary.
  Considerable benefits for the mother are an easier pregnancy with a significantly reduced risk of premature birth and lower incidence of post natal depression.
  For the fish oil and pregnancy combination to be effective and safe it is absolutely vital that the supplement is pharmaceutical grade and has undergone a process called molecular distillation to remove dangerous toxins like mercury and lead, leaving only pure and safe oil.
  A high amount of DHA should be present to get the full benefits, about twice the amount of EPA in fact.
Most supplements have higher amounts of EPA so check the label carefully.
A good oil will have at least 250mg of DHA per capsule with two a day recommended.
  Look for species like Hoki and Tuna which have high levels of DHA and from the cleanest waters, like New Zealand's Southern Ocean, one of the last pristine oceans on earth.
  I hope you can see the incredible importance and benefits of omega 3 and how taking fish oil during pregnancy is essential to give your baby the best start in life.
  If you would like to learn more about the high quality DHA omega 3 supplements I personally take daily, visit my website today.
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