Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Why Your Small Business Needs A Structured Recruitment Process

When you are running a business, it is imperative that you find the right employees that can help you in achieving more each day.
After all, no man is an island.
We need the help of others, especially if we want to succeed and want our business to grow.
Therefore, employers need to adopt a strategic recruitment process that will attract the best people to you and your business.
Listed below are four factors that should be taken into account to establish your recruitment process.
These will help every business when it comes to hiring staff.
Be Clear on the Position You should know and understand exactly what the position is that you're recruiting for.
Before jumping into the recruitment process, you should have a clearly defined job description.
Understand precisely what you want the employee to do.
What do you want your future employee to accomplish? What are the day-to-day tasks and what requirements are needed to meet those specifications? You need to not only consider what the position entails today, but also consider how the position may change and evolve in the future.
By considering this now, before you start recruiting, it means you can look for people who will have the desire and capacity to expand their experience and knowledge as your business grows.
Qualifications and Characteristics Naturally, you would want your employees to have the qualifications needed for the job.
But aside from that, you should take into consideration the innate characteristics that your team members should possess.
Yes, education and knowledge is important, but a person's character, values and motivations are also essential for you to understand if you want the recruitment process to be successful.
You need to know what drives your employee to pursue and deliver quality work.
Employers should determine the values and character traits needed in the team before you start hiring.
The candidate may have the greatest qualifications in the world but if his desires, interests, natural work style and ethics are not in line with your values, ethics, culture and working environment, then it is unlikely that this person will be a good overall match for your company.
Let's say you were hiring for a sales agent; your candidate must have strong interpersonal skills to build rapport and sell.
This must be something that they like to do and are naturally motivated to do.
He should have the confidence to stand out in a crowd, not be reserved or introverted.
Introverted people can struggle with selling so it will be harder for them to be motivated to perform this task easily, and this will mean more supervision and management from you.
Promote Your Job Vacancy When you are advertising the job, it is like selling a product.
So detail the job description in a manner that would appeal to the target employee.
Don't just make it sound like other advertisements purely focused on the-day-to day tasks.
Instead, write it by highlighting the fun and excitement that can be gained from your workplace.
Highlighting the benefits and culture of your company will also capture the attention of the employee.
Just as you would sell your products and services, you need to sell your company to new recruits.
Always promote the positive aspects and put yourself in their shoes.
Once you have captured their attention, get them to take action and apply to the position.
Have clear instructions on how they must apply, or who they need to contact.
If there is a deadline, tell them when applications close.
Structured Interviews After you have shortlisted your applicants, the next step is to start interviewing.
The interviewing stage is a critical component of the overall recruitment process, so having a structured interview process is necessary so that you have the greatest chance of hiring the best person for the job.
Put together a list of questions that are relevant to the qualifications and characteristics needed for the job and your organization.
It's best to ask the same questions to every applicant so that there is no bias and you are comparing candidates equally, ensuring no-one slips through the cracks.
Teamwork and collaboration are essential factors to succeed in the field of business.
You need to find people who are a perfect fit with your company.
This means not only finding the person with the right skills, but also finding someone with the right attitude and motivation to fit into your organization and culture.
By knowing exactly what the job entails and knowing the personal qualities you need, you will know what to look out for and have a much better chance of finding that ideal person.
By including these four steps in your recruitment process each time you hire, you will greatly increase your chances of hiring the best person to meet your business needs.
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