- Close all running programs. In Windows XP, click the "Start" button, select "Control Panel" and then double-click to open the "Add or Remove Programs" icon. In Windows Vista, click on "Start" as before, but open "Programs and Features" instead. In the list of programs installed on your computer, click either "Microsoft Office" or "Microsoft Office Word," and then click the "Change" beside it.
Select the "Maintenance Mode Options" page of the Configuration Wizard that opens, click "Add or Remove Features," and then click the "Next" button. If Word is installed as part of an Office package installation, select the "Choose advanced customization of applications" check box on the "Custom Setup" page of the Wizard, and click on the "Next" button.
Click on the plus sign next to "Office Shared Features" on the "Advanced Customization" page to expand the list. Do likewise to expand the sub-menu of "Converters and Filters," followed by "Text Converters" within it. Click the arrow next to either WordPerfect 5.x Converter or WordPerfect 6.x Converter to open a small drop-down menu. Choose the "Run from My Computer" option. Close all windows when finished. - Open Microsoft Word, and then open the "File" drop-down menu. Select the "Open" command. In the "Files of type" list, click "All Files." Navigate to the WordPerfect File, and either double-click it, or select it and click the "Open" button.
- When you convert a document from WordPerfect 5.0, 5.1 or 5.2 to Office Word 2003 or later, you can choose which fonts to use by clicking the "Font Substitution" button on the "Compatibility" tab of the "Options" dialog box.
- If you are having trouble with the layout of a document that you are converting from WordPerfect 6.x versions to Office Word, reopen it in WordPerfect. Scroll all the way to the end of the document and save the document again in WordPerfect 6.x format. Reattempt to open it in Microsoft Word.
Installing the File Converters
Using the Converters
Converting From WordPerfect Version 5.x
Converting From WordPerfect Version 6.x