- 1). Cut a ripe avocado in half and pull it apart to access the seed. Wash the seed with warm water, rubbing gently to remove any pulp that is clinging to it.
- 2). Poke three toothpicks into the seed in the middle.
- 3). Fill a clear glass container with water. Add a small amount of charcoal to the water if preferred, to keep the water fresh.
- 4). Balance the seed on the opening of the container with the toothpicks. Let the flat end of the seed rest in the water and be sure that the bottom half is completely immersed.
- 5). Place the container in a sunny window. Maintain a temperature above 65 degrees Fahrenheit, around the seed.
- 6). Change the water weekly to keep it fresh and well oxygenated. Roots will develop at the bottom of the seed, after a few weeks.
- 7). Plant the seedling in a pot filled with soil, after it has sprouted from the top of the seed and developed a strong stem and several sets of leaves.
- 1). Fill a six-inch pot with general purpose potting soil. Water the soil until it is damp, not soggy.
- 2). Plant the seed with the pointed side facing up, deep enough to cover all but an inch of the seed. Leave that inch of seed above the soil.
- 3). Place the pot in a warm room inside a window, where it will receive bright sun. Check the soil every other day for dryness, and water when needed.
Starting in Water
Starting in Soil