Business & Finance Social Media

Facebook Page for Your Spa (To Have or Not to Have)

Allow me to dive right in and dispel some myths concerning using Facebook for your spa.
Facebook is a VERY POWERFUL tool and when used correctly, can yield phenomenal results for your business! The problem I see so often in the spa industry with Facebook, is the lack of consistent posting and building relationships with their viewers...
the talk back factor.
If you have been "reluctant" about starting a Facebook business page for your beauty, spa or wellness business and riding the fence...
read on! Is it worth having a Facebook page for you beauty, spa or wellness business without having many likes? Absolutely! Rome wasn't built in a day may sound cliche, but you've got to understand the importance of posting more than once a day, week or month.
When you build a relationship with someone offline, do you cultivate that relationship by spending time with them? Usually, when we get to know someone we take the time to observe them, spend time with the person, get to know who they are, ask questions, what they like and dislike.
Right? These same principles should be carried over into your social media platforms.
Relationships take time to build, so don't get discouraged if you feel like nobody is liking, commenting or sharing your post.
Honestly, you just don't know who is really watching your post.
People are taking note and they are watching you, especially if you are new on the scene building your brand.
There is no need to beg people to like, comment or share your post.
If you are pumping out quality content, people will engage with you.
If you are still trying to figure out which is the best social media platform for your business, all you have to do is take a look at the leading social media platforms.
Facebook still leads the way with 1.
19 billion monthly active users.
Of those, daily active users passed 728 million on average during September 2013, and the number of monthly active mobile users hit 874 million.
It really takes the guess work out of the equation, so relax.
Let me expose another myth floating around the spa industry.
Connecting all of your social media platforms and pre-scheduling your post without a real human connection throughout the day is honestly a HUGE disservice to you and your beauty, spa or wellness business.
It completely contradicts your service as a spa professional.
Most of us entered the field because we wanted to make a difference in peoples lives and because of the whole mind, body experience.
Why would you disconnect yourself via your social media platforms? Your social media platforms are a direct extension of your business! Now, let's talk about when you take your Facebook business page into a Facebook group to build your business.
HUGE MISTAKE! The whole purpose to build your following on your Facebook business page, is to convert your followers to your opt-in on your website, thus you are now building your email list! When potential clients have opted into your email list, this now becomes more of a personal relationship.
You have essentially at this point built trust with your followers for them to opt in.
Being real and building true authentic relationships on Facebook is what people want.
The days of hard selling and flaky marketing tactics are long gone.
Character, integrity, trustworthiness and simply being real with people are going to be key factors to building a sustainable business via social media and internet marketing.
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