- To have some fun with just a piece of paper and pen, try playing M.A.S.H. with your date. This "fortune telling" game can answer pressing questions such as where you'll live, what you'll drive and how many children you'll have in the future. Start by writing the acronym "MASH" on the top of a piece of paper. This stands for "mansion, apartment, shack or house." From there, come up with categories, such as professions or pets, and ask your date to list four in each one. When all the categories are filled, start secretly tallying numbers on the page. Your date must yell stop, and then count how many marks you've made up until that point. If the number is 10, for example, go down the list eliminating the 10th entry you come upon. Do this until there is only one answer left in each category to reveal your date's future.
- For groups that want to play a dating game, speed dating can offer some fast and mobile fun. Start by asking the women to each sit at their own table. If you don't have tables, they can stand in different areas of the room. Set an amount of time that each couple will have to talk to each other. When the game begins, each man should meet up with one woman. The two can chat about anything they choose. When the allocated time is up, the men should move clockwise toward the next woman and begin the process again.
- Dating is all about getting to know someone - and initiating a question/answer game is one way to learn more. These 20 questions can be about anything you can think of, from where your date was born to what he wants to do in the future. Great Group Games suggests: "What would you describe as a perfect date?", "What is your best pick-up line?", "What car would best describe your personality?" and "If you were to propose, how would you do it?" as some of the questions you could ask your date while playing.
- You may have played spin-the-bottle in middle school, but it's one mobile dating game that can add some flirty fun no matter what your age. Gather a group of friends who might be interested in dating each other. Sitting in a circle, one person should give a bottle a spin. If you don't have a bottle, a lotion bottle or even a lipstick tube will work. When it stops spinning, the spinner must kiss whoever the top of the bottle is facing.
Speed Dating Games
20 Questions
Spin the Bottle