Family & Relationships Friends & Friendship

Ny Separation Decrees Easy Online Access

Statistics have recorded that in the year 2012, there is a total of 58,556 divorces in the New York State. Grounds for the marriage dissolution in the state as recorded are abandonment with the highest percentage, cruelty which came next to the former, imprisonment, adultery and etc. Among these numbers of divorce, marriages that lasted from 5 9 years gained the highest percentage in the breakdown.

All these information are available at both the state and county level. Local county courthouses hold account for divorce registers in New York State. In fact, is the Judge of the local Court who sets forth the terms and conditions for the divorce and also the one who finalizes the decree. Therefore, divorce decrees, one type of a divorce record, are usually requested locally through the local court or the County Clerks Office in the county where the divorce was filed and granted. In the state level, divorce records in New York are housed in the State Department of Public Health. It is the Vital Records Division, however, which processes all requests for such registers as well as other vital records.

Although most records generated by government repositories are deemed public, divorce records specifically divorce decrees are restricted only to the persons indicated in the document and to those who have been issued with a court order allowing them to request for such file. Divorce certificates, the other type of divorce record, are accessible through the Department of Public Health in New York State. They are not restricted as they contain only the basic information about the divorce. Nonetheless, the only certificates of divorce that can be accessed or requested at the state level are those that transpired and recorded on or after January 1, 1963.

To file an entreaty, the Mail-in Application for Copy of Free Divorce Records form must be completed. You can use such form if you are the wife, husband or spouse indicated in the divorce document. Otherwise, a New York State Court Order must be submitted along with the application form. Please take note that for entreaties whose purposes are explicitly for genealogy research, such application form cannot be used. Once accomplished with all the significant particulars, the form must be mailed with a check or money order to the State Office or to the local county court.

Fees for divorce record requests in New York State depend should you wish to expedite the transaction or not. For priority handling, the total fee would be $45. Each copy of a divorce record costs $30 should regular handling is opted. It is important to take note as well that the application must have the identification requirements enclosed which include one valid photo-ID and documents stating the applicants name and address such as a utility or telephone bill, or a letter from a government agency dated within the last 6 months.

The turnaround time depends significantly on the type of handling as well. Requests with priority handling are processed within 2 4 weeks whereas requests with regular handling are processed within 10 12 weeks. Are divorce records public? In New York State, yes they are. However, certain protocol when it comes to the procurement procedure must be followed in order to get a hold of these crucial archives. However, manually procuring them can be quite tedious and time-consuming. Good thing that with technology today, there are various record solutions online that offer the same service in a more expedited and efficient manner.
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