- There are several types of financial aid available to help fund a nursing education program. Allnursingschools.com states that every year the government offers over $400 billion in grant money for nursing education. In addition to this, several nursing scholarships are available. Scholarships are usually awarded on the basis of high academic achievement, athletic ability or artistic talent. They are highly competitive, and they do not have to be paid back. Work study programs are also available as an option. In exchange for funding, the student agrees to work for their college or university for a set number of hours per week. Finally, loans are another form of financial aid. While many are reluctant to take on debt, student loans typically carry very low interest rates. There is also the nursing student loan forgiveness program that can help offset some of the loan in exchange for service.
- Several potential financial aid recipients go unrewarded each year because they are under the false impression that all aid is based on financial need. All nursing schools.com states that this is highly untrue. Certain government grants and loans are based on financial need, but they state that financial aid comes in many forms. They advise doing frequent research, as scholarships become available throughout the year. They also recommend checking with the American Association of Colleges of Nursing for updates on the latest funding options.
- Adults changing careers may wish to consider an online nursing program. Allnursingschools.com states that several scholarships and grants can be applied to online nursing degrees. This offers adults, single parents and working students the flexibility and cost effectiveness of online education. Allnursingschools.com does advise to check in advance, as not all online programs are yet eligible for funding.
- One benefit of financial aid for nursing education is making education accessible to those that might otherwise struggle. Nursing degrees can cost thousands of dollars, making it difficult for many to afford them. Another benefit from financial aid for nursing education is a potential increase in the number of qualified, registered nurses. As the largest portion of the population ages, this increased number will help society cope with its health needs. Finally, eric.ed.gov states that financial aid brings far more than monetary benefit to its recipients. It claims that financial aid helps students' overall persistence with their studies. It goes on to say that students from lower economic brackets persist at nearly the same rate as middle and upper income students with the help of financial aid.
- Obtaining the financial aid that you need requires some persistence. Allnursingschools.com offers the following advice to increase your chances of receiving financial aid for nursing school: It first recommends filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, which can be found at www.fafsa.ed.gov/. The application takes into account your income, costs and the types of financial aid that you may qualify for. Secondly, it recommends searching for funding on a regular basis. Check into federal, state and private sources of funding. Expanding your eligibility for scholarships is another way to gain funding. Remember, not all of them are academic or athletic. If you or your parents are members of clubs or organizations, that is an excellent place to start. Finally, it recommends internship possibilities. Working in the nursing or health care field as a volunteer or through paid employment can lead to several financial aid opportunities.
Types of Financial Aid
Getting the Financial Aid