About.com Rating
The Bottom Line
Grim, bleak Norwegian melodic black metal.
- Brutal black metal with melodic influences.
- Uncreative song titles.
- Released March 21, 2006 on Southern Lord.
- Mord means "murder" in Norweigan.
- This is their first full-length CD.
Guide Review - Mord - Christendom Perished
The Norwegian melodic black metal duo Mord consists of vocalist/guitarist Nordra and drummer Necrolucas. Their brand of black metal is angry, bleak and brutal.
It's very intense with some thrashy death metal influences. The vocals are also a little lower pitched than the usual black metal howls.
There are some good guitar parts and riffs, and after a shaky start the album gets stronger as it goes along. The last few songs are actually the best on the album.
You'll hear influences of groups like 1349, Marduk and Gorgoroth. The songs don't have titles and are just "Opus I" through "Opus IX." As far as the lyrics go, I don't have a clue. I'm assuming they are angry and evil, but they completely unintelligible and there is no lyrics sheet included.