If thoughts are things, then those who are familiar with the Law of Attraction should be living the life of their dreams.
While a few may attain this enviable state, the majority do not rise to that level.
Is it the Law of Attraction that is at fault or the person who uses it?Does it work for some and not for others?Does it work some of the time and not at other times? It is my contention, both from my study of it and from my many years of experience with it, that the Law of Attraction is as reliable as the Law of Gravity; if applied correctly, it works with unfailing exactitude.
I also hold that anybody who studies it and applies it will come to the same conclusion.
"Ask and you shall receive; seek and you shall find; knock and the door shall be opened unto you.
" Those are the truest words ever spoken.
They not only come from an expert source, who repeatedly demonstrated it, but they can also be proved through your own experience.
These are not idle words, philosophical opinions, or rhetorical exhortations; they are words that stand up to the test of observation and experience.
There is no need to rely on authority, even if it happens to be the highest known to the human race.
Experiment will definitely prove its value.
The problem of insufficiency then has to do with the practitioner.
Everything that you desire can be yours with the Law of Attraction.
If most people appear not to be living in abundance it is due to either not knowing about it or dismissing it as a serious idea.
If this is the great secret of life, now openly revealed by many teachers, why is success with it not apparent everywhere? Assuming that you know about the Law of Attraction, what is preventing you from living the full expression of it? In reflecting on this subject, I have isolated three possible factors: 1.
Improper application.
Ask for something, then let it go with the full expectation that it will show up.
That is the entire principle right there.
However, when you fail to ask properly, being vague in your asking, or if you fail to let go, clinging to the idea, then you have not fully exercised the law.
Another way of improperly asking is to merely ask using words devoid of positive, expectant feelings.
Your feelings are the vibrational signature that sets the law in motion.
Fear of failure.
People are afraid to get what they want.
They are afraid of being disappointed and not getting it.
They feel unworthy of asking.
And they are even afraid of what will happen if they do get it.
These fears and others are disguised as doubts, rationalizations, and anxiety.
Unless there is a complete lack of resistance to getting what you want it will not show up.
Unclear vision.
People are not clear what they want.
Unless there is a clear vision and a strong sense of what it means to you, things will not show up.
Reluctance to pay attention to intuition.
Sometimes your answer comes as an idea.
This idea is subtle.
If you do not pay attention to your subtle faculties and develop it, the answer to your problem may very well have shown up but you did not notice it.
Reluctance to act.
Sometimes by acting you speed up everything.
The action to take is the action before you.
Even if action is not necessary, as the answer may come from a person or event that has to show up in your experience, action reinforces the energy that you have sent out.
It is making a statement that you are in earnest.
The use of feet and hands has an amazing way of putting you in the right place at the right time.
The Master Practitioner may not need to act, but at an earlier development stage, it does speed up results.
While a few may attain this enviable state, the majority do not rise to that level.
Is it the Law of Attraction that is at fault or the person who uses it?Does it work for some and not for others?Does it work some of the time and not at other times? It is my contention, both from my study of it and from my many years of experience with it, that the Law of Attraction is as reliable as the Law of Gravity; if applied correctly, it works with unfailing exactitude.
I also hold that anybody who studies it and applies it will come to the same conclusion.
"Ask and you shall receive; seek and you shall find; knock and the door shall be opened unto you.
" Those are the truest words ever spoken.
They not only come from an expert source, who repeatedly demonstrated it, but they can also be proved through your own experience.
These are not idle words, philosophical opinions, or rhetorical exhortations; they are words that stand up to the test of observation and experience.
There is no need to rely on authority, even if it happens to be the highest known to the human race.
Experiment will definitely prove its value.
The problem of insufficiency then has to do with the practitioner.
Everything that you desire can be yours with the Law of Attraction.
If most people appear not to be living in abundance it is due to either not knowing about it or dismissing it as a serious idea.
If this is the great secret of life, now openly revealed by many teachers, why is success with it not apparent everywhere? Assuming that you know about the Law of Attraction, what is preventing you from living the full expression of it? In reflecting on this subject, I have isolated three possible factors: 1.
Improper application.
Ask for something, then let it go with the full expectation that it will show up.
That is the entire principle right there.
However, when you fail to ask properly, being vague in your asking, or if you fail to let go, clinging to the idea, then you have not fully exercised the law.
Another way of improperly asking is to merely ask using words devoid of positive, expectant feelings.
Your feelings are the vibrational signature that sets the law in motion.
Fear of failure.
People are afraid to get what they want.
They are afraid of being disappointed and not getting it.
They feel unworthy of asking.
And they are even afraid of what will happen if they do get it.
These fears and others are disguised as doubts, rationalizations, and anxiety.
Unless there is a complete lack of resistance to getting what you want it will not show up.
Unclear vision.
People are not clear what they want.
Unless there is a clear vision and a strong sense of what it means to you, things will not show up.
Reluctance to pay attention to intuition.
Sometimes your answer comes as an idea.
This idea is subtle.
If you do not pay attention to your subtle faculties and develop it, the answer to your problem may very well have shown up but you did not notice it.
Reluctance to act.
Sometimes by acting you speed up everything.
The action to take is the action before you.
Even if action is not necessary, as the answer may come from a person or event that has to show up in your experience, action reinforces the energy that you have sent out.
It is making a statement that you are in earnest.
The use of feet and hands has an amazing way of putting you in the right place at the right time.
The Master Practitioner may not need to act, but at an earlier development stage, it does speed up results.