- Pool games are a fun way to add extra interest to a swimming pool.The swimmer's feet in the swimming pool. image by RUZANNA ARUTYUNYAN from Fotolia.com
A swimming pool is entertaining in many different ways. However, many people, especially children and teens, are not satisfied with just swimming or floating on the water. They desire more action and games while inside the pool. There are many different games to play inside a swimming pool. These pool games will keep children and adults alike entertained for hours. Most of these games take very little to no equipment or preparation. - Whirlpool is a fun swimming pool game for several people. This game works best if the pool is round or oval shaped. Several people get inside the pool. The start swimming or walking around the pool in the same direction, creating a large circle. The longer the people swim or walk around in the same direction, the stronger the whirlpool current will be inside the pool. After several minutes, when the people inside the pool stop swimming or walking on their own, the pool water will naturally drag them around inside the whirlpool and toward the center of the pool. The winner of the game is the last person who can resist the natural pull of the whirlpool toward the center of the pool. Do not play this game with poor swimmers; the power of the whirlpool could drag them under the water.
- This game requires a clear, plastic bottle with a clear or white lid that has all labels removed. Fill the bottle with pool water. Divide the players into two teams. Have all players line up around the edges of the pool. Make all players turn their backs to the pool. Throw the bottle into the pool. When the bottle hits the water, the players can turn around and dive for it. The object of the game is to capture the bottle and carry it over to one end of the pool (depending on the team). Players can play for a time limit or a preset score.
- This is a fun pool game for players of all ages. Have each player wear her bathing suit but bring a full set of clothes including jeans, a long-sleeved shirt, socks and shoes. Throw all of the clothing into the water until it is completely soaked. Players must jump into the pool, find their own clothing, get out of the pool and put it all on. The first person to completely dress himself in the soaked clothing is the winner. This is a fun game even for players who cannot swim very well. Just make sure to place the clothing in a shallow area of the pool.
Capture the Bottle
Get Dressed