- Sacramento regulations do not affect fences with heights under 4 feet.fence image by Alexey Klementiev from Fotolia.com
Many people install fences around their homes for security and privacy. They help keep pets in the yard and can also help make a home look well-maintained. Builders must follow city regulations for installing a fence in Sacramento, California, however. The city's regulations are mainly aimed at protecting views through height restrictions. These cap fence heights in order to prevent people from building fences that will obstruct others' sight lines. - According to Sacramento regulations, fences in the front yard setback area can reach up to 4 feet in height. Fences along the street within 5 feet of the front yard property line must also stay at 4 feet or below. Fences 5 or more feet within the property line along the street can stand up to 6 feet tall, however. The city considers trellises and any other height additions to fences part of the total fence height.
- Fences along the sides and back edges of a property can be up to 6 feet tall.
- People who wish to install fences in Sacramento taller than 6 feet must apply for a building permit with the city's Development Services Planning department. The planning division phone number is 916-808-5656. According to the City of Sacramento, the department usually only allows a permit for fences over 6 feet high if the applicant demonstrates a hardship that makes a taller fence necessary.
- Corner fencing along driveways that intersect with public streets should not obstruct the view from the triangular corner of the fence at a height above 2 feet and 6 inches from the pavement surface, according to Sacramento County Law. This regulation ensures safe visibility for cars turning in and out of the driveway and street.
Front Yard Restrictions
Back and Side Fence Restrictions
Fences over 6 Feet
Corner Fencing Driveway