Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

Annual Flowers That Are One Color

    • A single color flower garden.flower garden image by Ang m.c. from Fotolia.com

      Annual flowers come in a wide variety of color choices. Choose bright colors that stand out in the landscape, or cool colors, such as blue to create a soothing effect. Plant a garden with annual flowers that are one color to make a statement, or to create a specific design such as a message, a heart or a star. Choose plants that are in bloom, since many of these flowers come in other colors, including bi-colors.


    • A red geraniumgeranium image by mdb from Fotolia.com

      Celosia, salvia, zinnia and geranium are great annual flower choices for an all-red garden. Geraniums are one of the most popular annual flowering plants, according to the North Carolina Cooperative Extension. The red flowers of the old-fashion, or common garden geranium is the one seen in most garden centers, however there are Martha Washington Geraniums, ivy-leaf geraniums and scented geraniums, whose leaves are highly scented. Mosquito, or citronella-scented, geraniums are an example of these. Zinnia work well in most gardens because of the extreme choices in plant height and flower form, according to the University of Illinois Extension. Celosia is a great plant for the front of the border. Salvia comes in a variety of sizes and is a favorite of hummingbirds.


    • A yellow marigoldYellow Marigold Flower image by Bryan Crowe from Fotolia.com

      Marigold, calendula, cosmos, poppy and strawflower work well as annual plant selections for an all-yellow garden. Marigolds are popular annual flowering plants that come in an array of colors, including several varieties that are all yellow. They are easy to save seed from and grow. Marigolds reward gardeners who deadhead, or remove the faded flowers, with an entire season of bloom right up to the first fall frost, according to West Virginia University Extension. Calendula, or pot marigold, will self-seed in the garden as will poppies and cosmos. Strawflowers are a good choice for gardeners' looking to plant everlastings, or flowers they can use for crafts.


    • White petuniaspetunias-white image by Jeffrey Zalesny from Fotolia.com

      Create a white garden, or moon garden, using highly-scented annual flowers such as sweet alyssum, candytuft, petunia and nicotiana. Moon gardens reflect the light of the moon and are the perfect choice for gardeners' who spend time in their garden during the evening. These flowers will self-seed if allowed, so plant them once, save a few seeds just in case, and you may not have to re-plant your moon garden. Nicotiana is the star of the moon garden. The flowers, which attract butterflies and hummingbirds, do not open until early evening, according to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension. Petunias are an old-fashion, care-free plant that requires little more than the occasional deadheading or cutting back to keep them in shape, according to Iowa State University. Some of the newer varieties, such as the Wave Petunia, do not require anything except regular watering to create a stunning, non-stop flowering display all summer long.

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