Business & Finance Social Media

Why on Earth Did You Post That? - Ever Heard of Personal Brand Image?

On many Social Business Networking Websites there are a number of folks, who claim of Business Professional Status, yet when I read their Blogs, there is not a whole lot that would indicate that this individual is professional in anyway.
Some blog posts are less than five-sentences and the Blogger is obviously going after points, which is somewhat problematic, in that they are willing to undermine their own professionalism, public image and degrade their once perceived intellectual abilities.
May I ask such folks: Why On Earth Did You Post That? Can you explain to me why you post such stuff only to clutter up this system? Now realize, I understand that you want to get to the top of heap here over at your Business Social Networking site, but, merely posting garbage in order to do that, is not actually serving your purpose - its destroying your credibility and hurting your personal image.
Your brand name is at stake, so if you want to ruin your reputation online in order to get points to be listed on a web site? Well, be my guest, to each, his own.
If you are posting garbage and you are one of my Associates, do yourself a favor and de-list now, because this is the message you are sending to your potential associates.
If you are posting great informational, informative and intellectual information, then I would definitely welcome your Association, so, by all means list yourself.
That is how most people feel.
At this point in my online social networking endeavors, I do not believe it is wise to associate with pretenders, halfass achievers or those who do the minimal, cheat to get by or would forsake themselves or anyone else merely to get ahead and get a few points on an Internet site.
If you feel the same way, then you might want to consider what you post on your blog and what people are thinking when they read you stuff.
Call me a hardass if you must, but, its time to call it how it is.
No more weakness, no more wimps and no more excuses for those who wish to associate with me or people like me at the top online business networking websites.
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