There is no escaping them.
As long as you are searching for a way to grow your penis bigger, they are there.
The penis enhancement pill is undoubtedly the most popular means for men who wish to become better endowed down below, partly because it is far too easy to just swallow a capsule each day to effect a growth to your male organ.
But what many men fail to really question is...
can these pills safely give you the results you desire? Firstly we would have to look at what these pills really are.
In most cases, manufacturers take advantage of a particular substance called Yohimbine.
What this substance does is to provide a rush of blood to your male organ, which is said to help stimulate your organ's natural growth process.
The problem here though, is that the effect of raising your blood pressure does not only come to your penile area.
Yohimbine causes your overall blood pressure to shoot up, causing cardiac problems and ultimately death.
But even if a particular enhancement pill does not contain Yohimbine in its list of ingredients, that does not even slightly mean they are safe for consumption.
Analyses by the University of Maryland found several pills to be contaminated with toxic content such as bacteria and even pesticide.
There were even herbal supplements that contained fecal matters, raising suspicions on the way these products are manufactured.
Penis enhancement pills do not really come cheap either.
They may just be bottles of pills, but they can certainly cost you a whole lot of money in the long run! Overall, the verdict, as what Dr.
Ira Sharlip from the American Urological Association states is "There is no such thing as a penis pill that works.
However, that does not mean you are out of options to make your penis bigger in size.
One of the easiest and more scientifically logical alternative to taking growth pills is to exercise your penis...
with your hands! It only takes a few stretching and massaging actions on your male organ in order to naturally stimulate it into growth.
Because you only rely on your own hands and no other external aids, the growth may be gradual but sure.
And there is definitely no risk of endangering your manhood in the process of growing it larger.
And comparing how significantly safer - and more logically possible - it is to grow your penis bigger through exercise, it makes common sense for you to do so, instead of wasting your money and risking your health with some overrated penis enhancement pill.
As long as you are searching for a way to grow your penis bigger, they are there.
The penis enhancement pill is undoubtedly the most popular means for men who wish to become better endowed down below, partly because it is far too easy to just swallow a capsule each day to effect a growth to your male organ.
But what many men fail to really question is...
can these pills safely give you the results you desire? Firstly we would have to look at what these pills really are.
In most cases, manufacturers take advantage of a particular substance called Yohimbine.
What this substance does is to provide a rush of blood to your male organ, which is said to help stimulate your organ's natural growth process.
The problem here though, is that the effect of raising your blood pressure does not only come to your penile area.
Yohimbine causes your overall blood pressure to shoot up, causing cardiac problems and ultimately death.
But even if a particular enhancement pill does not contain Yohimbine in its list of ingredients, that does not even slightly mean they are safe for consumption.
Analyses by the University of Maryland found several pills to be contaminated with toxic content such as bacteria and even pesticide.
There were even herbal supplements that contained fecal matters, raising suspicions on the way these products are manufactured.
Penis enhancement pills do not really come cheap either.
They may just be bottles of pills, but they can certainly cost you a whole lot of money in the long run! Overall, the verdict, as what Dr.
Ira Sharlip from the American Urological Association states is "There is no such thing as a penis pill that works.
However, that does not mean you are out of options to make your penis bigger in size.
One of the easiest and more scientifically logical alternative to taking growth pills is to exercise your penis...
with your hands! It only takes a few stretching and massaging actions on your male organ in order to naturally stimulate it into growth.
Because you only rely on your own hands and no other external aids, the growth may be gradual but sure.
And there is definitely no risk of endangering your manhood in the process of growing it larger.
And comparing how significantly safer - and more logically possible - it is to grow your penis bigger through exercise, it makes common sense for you to do so, instead of wasting your money and risking your health with some overrated penis enhancement pill.