There are a million reasons an employee could leave a company that have nothing to do with you or the way you run your business.
It could be: spouse, geographical, money, kids among others where the only thing that would go through your head is the happiness for their new opportunity.
Now, think of the other side of it.
Imaging having an employee that does great work for you, whether it is exceeding sales numbers, excellent customer service or just all around extraordinary work, then out of nowhere, they quit.
If it was one of the aforementioned reasons then you can only be happy for them but imagine finding out that it was because of something that was going on at your company or even worse the way YOU were running your company.
Forbes recently came out with a list of the top six reasons an employee would quit on a company.
No Vision- Do your employees clearly see what they are working for beyond $$$$.
Walt Disney dreamed up Disneyland while sitting on a park bench with his two daughters, he didn't dream up the $128 billion empire we see before us today but the fun and excitement it would cause for children just like his own.
No Connection to the Big Picture- Employees need to feel that what they are doing is important and not just a menial task that is glorified paper pushing.
Show them how their work is connecting to the company as a whole! 3.
No Empathy- People don't expect to be handed the keys to a brand new Mercedes on their 25th anniversary but recognition goes a long way.
Announce people's anniversaries, give an extra PTO day every few years of loyalty, or let everyone off at 2:30 on a random Friday.
The little things go a long way.
No Effective Motivation- There is big differences between thinking you have done a great job and KNOWING you have.
The difference comes from effective motivation.
"Hey Mark, saw that presentation you gave to ABC Electric, that as FANTASTIC.
" How great does Mark feel right now? Mark is probably at home excited with his family and telling them how great it felt when you recognized him.
No Future- Nothing feels better than talking to one of the higher ups in the company and figuring out that they started in your same spot.
Nothing feels worse than being passed over for a well-deserved promotion by an outside hire.
Although, sometime employers can't control who the best fit is for a job, when employees have living proof in front of them that hard work pays off, they work harder! 6.
FUN- Have an ice cream party every quarter, have a happy hour after work.
Employees enjoy their work more if they enjoy the people they are around.
So let the people have some fun together every now and then!
It could be: spouse, geographical, money, kids among others where the only thing that would go through your head is the happiness for their new opportunity.
Now, think of the other side of it.
Imaging having an employee that does great work for you, whether it is exceeding sales numbers, excellent customer service or just all around extraordinary work, then out of nowhere, they quit.
If it was one of the aforementioned reasons then you can only be happy for them but imagine finding out that it was because of something that was going on at your company or even worse the way YOU were running your company.
Forbes recently came out with a list of the top six reasons an employee would quit on a company.
No Vision- Do your employees clearly see what they are working for beyond $$$$.
Walt Disney dreamed up Disneyland while sitting on a park bench with his two daughters, he didn't dream up the $128 billion empire we see before us today but the fun and excitement it would cause for children just like his own.
No Connection to the Big Picture- Employees need to feel that what they are doing is important and not just a menial task that is glorified paper pushing.
Show them how their work is connecting to the company as a whole! 3.
No Empathy- People don't expect to be handed the keys to a brand new Mercedes on their 25th anniversary but recognition goes a long way.
Announce people's anniversaries, give an extra PTO day every few years of loyalty, or let everyone off at 2:30 on a random Friday.
The little things go a long way.
No Effective Motivation- There is big differences between thinking you have done a great job and KNOWING you have.
The difference comes from effective motivation.
"Hey Mark, saw that presentation you gave to ABC Electric, that as FANTASTIC.
" How great does Mark feel right now? Mark is probably at home excited with his family and telling them how great it felt when you recognized him.
No Future- Nothing feels better than talking to one of the higher ups in the company and figuring out that they started in your same spot.
Nothing feels worse than being passed over for a well-deserved promotion by an outside hire.
Although, sometime employers can't control who the best fit is for a job, when employees have living proof in front of them that hard work pays off, they work harder! 6.
FUN- Have an ice cream party every quarter, have a happy hour after work.
Employees enjoy their work more if they enjoy the people they are around.
So let the people have some fun together every now and then!