Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Exfoliate for Glowing Skin

Exfoliation is a method of removing the dead skin cells on the upper layer of your skin and increasing circulation to promote new skin cells.
Once used only in exclusive spas at a costly amount, exfoliation is a simple technique that you can do at home.
When using a store bought exfoliate (or commonly called body scrub), do not overdue.
Store bought exfoliates have chemical ingredients that may cause irritation if used to often.
Many store bought body scrubs include petrochemical-based agents, such as mineral oil, and potential carcinogens, like parabens.
Natural or homemade scrubs use ingredients such as sea salt, sugar, and nutshells to exfoliate.
Additionally, in choosing the right exfoliate, it is important that your scrub contain moisturizing ingredients, such as honey or oatmeal, to protect and hydrate the newly exposed cells.
Body scrubs are usually made up of two properties:one for the scrubbing ability and one to soothe and smooth.
Below are common ingredients and their properties that are commonly used in making at home body scrubs.
Exfoliates (scrubbers) Sea salt is a natural for normal skin.
It contains marine extracts and minerals that help revitalize the skin.
Apricot kernels are rich in vitamin A, which is vital for healthy skin.
Additionally it is perfect for rough spots, elbows, backs, heels and thicker skins.
Note: Nutshells and fruit kernels can have jagged edges so they are not ideal for sensitive skin.
Sugar is a gentle exfoliate ideal for sensitive skin since the grains have smoother edges than salt grains.
Soothes, Smooths and Moisturizes Honey moisturizers, softens, nourishes, and heals normal skin.
Nut and seed oils such as almond, hazelnut and sunflower oils are often used to soften and hydrate skin: ideal for dry skin.
Oatmeal is a gentle grain that moisturizes skin, soothes, and reduces inflammation for sensitive skin types.
Exfoliation of the face and body as part of your skin care regime will result in improving your skin's appearance and bring about a natural glow.
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