Health & Medical Men's Health

Is A Big Penis Important?The Sensational Secret Of Super Sex Revealed

In this article we are going to take another look at a question that men have been asking themselves...
and women have been LYING about for decades: "Is a big penis important? Or is it simply another over hyped sensation driven by our perfection seeking cultural media machine?" As someone who has pursued the path of anatomical enhancement for over a decade, and who has written about the issue at length (no pun intended..
:-) on blogs, article directories and online men's magazines, I am going to shed a surprising light on my own journey for truth and discovery in this very tricky terrain.
Read on..
:-) Sex Surveys Don't Lie The bottom line is this: Women DO like a bigger penis, but NOT how we are typically conditioned to think, and with several caveats:
  • Women tend to prefer a man with a wider, thicker penis than a very long and thin one as the sensitive spots for sensational sex, from a woman's perspective, are along the side walls and nerve endings of her own anatomical makeup.
  • Many women tended to NOT be able to tell a difference between sex between a larger or smaller man, but COULD tell a visual difference clearly, and indicated that a larger man was PSYCHOLOGICALLY more gratifying even though there may be no difference in the actual physical sensations between them.
  • Much of a woman's preferences about the size of her partners anatomy were FAR more dependent on her own physical structure, rather than the man's size, or lack thereof.
  • By and large, that even though most women DID agree that a large guy was sexier and more appealing sexually, there were other factors that are equally important in gratification levels with a partner
The truth is, from my own vantage point, size is CLEARLY an advantage...
but NOT so much so that it requires the amount of self consciousness that many of us put ourselves through on the path to enhancing ourselves in this area.
Even if you have a small penis, you can certainly develop other areas of your "game" to be almost as attractive, by and large, to a bigger guy with a doorknob for a personality.
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