Whether you are moving office within your current City or moving to a completely different state you are going to have to hire an Office Moving Company. They will ensure your relocation is planned and executed professionally - with everything in the right place so that business can resume back to normal operation quickly.
Once you have hired your Moving Company they will compile a complete inventory of all your office furniture & equipment - and advise on how best to pack each item. You should also ask your Office Movers to supply packing boxes, crates and labels several weeks in advance of your move date so that you can start packing away any files, documents, stationery and other items that wont be needed in the last week.
That said, you should leave the majority of the packing to your moving company as they are the experts when it comes to packing up offices. Leave any dismantling of furniture, disconnection of IT equipment and lifting of heavy items to the Office Movers - they have the specialist equipment to do this properly and safely (and they will also be insured against any damage).
Filing cabinets, desk drawers, bookcases and storage units should be completely emptied before your Office Movers arrive - and remember to clearly label the boxes that their items belong to.
Pay special attention to the relocation of your IT equipment and liaise with your office movers about the packing materials they use for technical items like PCs, printers, servers, faxes, copiers, phone systems etc. You should also ask your employees to completely shut down their computers on their last working day - as doing so will make it quicker and easier for your office moving company to disconnect the equipment (and prevent any loss of data).
If you have any equipment that is leased, you should check with the leasing company about whether your office moving company are insured to move such equipment (they almost certainly will be but it's worth checking as, sometimes, the leasing company will insist on arranging their own transit).
Items such as printers, faxes and copiers need to be emptied of any liquids or sealed toners (as these can sometimes leak in transit).
Hiring the right Office Moving Company will mean that much of your office move packing guidelines will be taken care of. Professional office movers employ fully-trained staff and use a range of appropriate packing materials so that your things will be packed professionally and safely.
Once you have hired your Moving Company they will compile a complete inventory of all your office furniture & equipment - and advise on how best to pack each item. You should also ask your Office Movers to supply packing boxes, crates and labels several weeks in advance of your move date so that you can start packing away any files, documents, stationery and other items that wont be needed in the last week.
That said, you should leave the majority of the packing to your moving company as they are the experts when it comes to packing up offices. Leave any dismantling of furniture, disconnection of IT equipment and lifting of heavy items to the Office Movers - they have the specialist equipment to do this properly and safely (and they will also be insured against any damage).
Filing cabinets, desk drawers, bookcases and storage units should be completely emptied before your Office Movers arrive - and remember to clearly label the boxes that their items belong to.
Pay special attention to the relocation of your IT equipment and liaise with your office movers about the packing materials they use for technical items like PCs, printers, servers, faxes, copiers, phone systems etc. You should also ask your employees to completely shut down their computers on their last working day - as doing so will make it quicker and easier for your office moving company to disconnect the equipment (and prevent any loss of data).
If you have any equipment that is leased, you should check with the leasing company about whether your office moving company are insured to move such equipment (they almost certainly will be but it's worth checking as, sometimes, the leasing company will insist on arranging their own transit).
Items such as printers, faxes and copiers need to be emptied of any liquids or sealed toners (as these can sometimes leak in transit).
Hiring the right Office Moving Company will mean that much of your office move packing guidelines will be taken care of. Professional office movers employ fully-trained staff and use a range of appropriate packing materials so that your things will be packed professionally and safely.