- 1). Dig a small hole in the lawn, approximately 4 to 6 inches deep, using the shovel.
- 2). Pick up the clump of grass and look for signs of insects (grubs are the most likely culprit) in the roots, at the crown (top of the plants just above the surface).
- 3). Note whether the soil is moist and firm or dry and crumbly. Detect disease by looking for evidence of mold and fungus.
- 4). Test the pH level of the soil, using the soil test kit. Normal soil pH should be between 6.5 and 7.5.
- 1). Apply a pest control product to the entire lawn to eliminate grubs and other destructive insects. There are a variety of products on the market to choose from; choose one that is specific to the pest(s) you are trying to exterminate.
- 2). Water your lawn in the early morning using a sprinkler. Grass requires between 1/2 and 3/4 inch of water every four to five days.
- 3). Choose the correct fungicide after consulting with your local garden center. Apply the fungicide to rid your lawn of disease. Consider your lawn care habits; overwatering or watering too late in the day will result in the reappearance of fungi in your lawn.
- 4). Add lime to your yard to raise the pH if your yard is too acidic. Add a nitrogen fertilizer to your lawn if the pH is too alkaline. Repeat soil tests once per week until the pH is adjusted.
Determining the Cause of Brown Lawn
Repairing Brown Lawn