Health & Medical Medicine

Common Questions About Infertility

Trying to get pregnant and not succeeding can leave you feeling frustrated. Many couples struggle to gather information and make informed decisions about their next steps on the path to parenthood. These common questions and answers can help you gather important information about your options.

We have been attempting to get pregnant for 10 months. Should we just keep trying?
If the female partner in a healthy couple is under 35, plan to consult a specialist after trying unsuccessfully for a year. Women over 35 should consider visiting a reproductive endocrinologist after six months with no results.

Why is ovulation important and how can I tell if I ovulate?
Once a month your body releases an egg and that is the time when a woman can conceive. If you don't ovulate or ovulation is irregular, your chances of getting pregnant decrease. To check for ovulation, you can chart your basal body temperature, check your cervical mucus, or buy ovulation predictors. If you visit a reproductive endocrinologist, this doctor can run tests to confirm ovulation.

What is the difference between primary and secondary infertility?
If you have never conceived and carried a pregnancy to live birth, you suffer from primary infertility. Secondary infertility refers to couples who have achieved pregnancy and birth at least one time in the past, but cannot successfully conceive again.

How can we determine the best fertility treatment?
After a thorough evaluation of both partners, your fertility specialist will explain the findings and recommend treatment. Depending on the cause of infertility, your doctor may suggest ovulation induction, intrauterine insemination or in-vitro fertilization (IVF).

What is in-vitro fertilization (IVF)?
A form of assisted reproductive technology, IVF is the process of fertilizing the egg and the sperm in the laboratory (in vitro literally means "in the lab"). The embryo develops to a certain point and is then transferred into the female's uterus. Usually, your physician will perform a pregnancy test two weeks later to confirm a successful cycle.

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