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Dictators Seizing Democratic Nations - Silencing Masses and Media

It is amazing how leaders rise from the masses as disrupters, protestors, and critics of the regime they are forced to live under.
They rally the masses to fight the heavy hands of the then rulers, and they demand democracy - "power to the people" they say as they shout from the highest hill or ad hoc soap box podium.
Well, until they get into power that is.
At first, everything goes well, as they are "Loved and Respected" - however, soon they see up and coming political challenges and realize their reign will be short lived and they will not survive another election.
Thus, the move into a secondary format - one which can be described as leading by fear - or "Feared and Respected" and they use their power given to them by the people to force the citizens and populations into submission and squash their political adversaries.
This is not the leadership of a true democracy; this is Mao style leadership - "comes from the barrel of a gun" - as the famous quote goes.
There was indeed a nice post on Read-Write-Web recently on November 28, 2011 by Kurt Hopkins titled; "Venezuela's Chavez Hacks Critics Twitter Accounts - With Cuba's Assistance" which brings up a very good point.
That same day there was an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal titled; "UAE Jails 5-Activists Over Insults to Rulers" by Nour Malas.
In China bloggers are routinely thrown in prison for speaking out, as well as in places like Iran and many of the nations in South Asia.
It seems to me this is so past-period "Prince" Machiavellian style, and it hardly belongs in our modern world.
Of course, who is to say that some of these nations have yet to join us in the twenty-first century? Jailed for 5-years over "insults" and who is to say what an insult is - could it be that it just depends on the time of day, menstrual cycle, or the wind messing up the leadership's hair - aka "a bad hair day" - I mean do you see the point here that I'm trying to make, and how this quells communication, free-speech, and everything that is good? No, I am not a strong supporter of disrupters, as I believe in stability of a society and civilization, and so I do not admire or condone such actions - heck, I don't even like the occupy protests and thing that the Arab Spring is a mistake.
It's just that I think it is indeed a little over the top for a leader to silence the masses, while using the mass media to promote, project, and amplify propaganda, especially when the reality behind that curtain and message is invisible - aka "emperor is wearing no clothes" motif.
If one has to crush their political opposition through censorship, prison terms, or hijacking the media then they are unfit to lead, and it's time for regime change once again.
Thus, the revolution moves full-circle, perhaps way they call it a revolution in the first place.
But I would submit to you that if the leader would have only honored his ideals from the start and allowed the natural process of term-limits and democracy that history might have told a different tale, and perhaps we wouldn't be living in interesting times in the present or future periods.
Please consider all this.
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