- 1). Make sure your computer meets the minimum requirements for a successful installation Adobe Acrobat Reader 8. Your computer needs to operate on an Intel Pentium processor with at least 128MB of RAM memory and up to 90MB of available hard-disk space.
- 2). Remove Adobe Acrobat Reader 8 plug-ins. Navigate to the following location and remove all the plugins: "Program Files" \ "Adobe" \ "Acrobat 8.0" \ "Reader" \ "Plug_ins."
- 3). Delete Adobe Acrobat Reader 8 Preferences folder. If one of the files in the Preference folder is corrupt, it may cause issues while you are trying to launch Adobe Reader 8. Navigate to the following location: "Documents and Settings" \ "[username]" \ "Application Data" \ "Adobe" \ "Acrobat" \ "8.0." Right-click on the folder "Preferences" and select "Delete." Adobe Reader creates a new Preferences folder when you re-launch the program.
- 4). Change the color-depth and resolution of your video card. Click on "Control Panel" from the Start menu and double-click on "Display." Hit the "Settings" tab. Click on the "Color quality" menu and change the color-depth to "16-bit." Drag the "Screen Resolution" slider to "800x600." Click on "Apply" and hit "OK."
- 5). Re-install Adobe Acrobat Reader 8 from Adobe website (see Resources). Select your operating system and language and hit "Continue." Select "Adobe Reader 8.2" and click on "Download Now."