Meditation always sounds like a chore, which is somewhat contradictory when you consider it is a relaxing expedition designed to take your mind away from the chores and stresses of every day life.
Mediation is capable of relieving stress, promoting health, increasing brain power and judging by the Buddhist monks in China, making us live longer.
Yet in our busy lives that involve 70% work and the other 30% family life (sound familiar?) one doesn't have the time for meditation retreats or even evening classes - a crying shame considering the benefits available.
However, I recently came across a bright prospect for achieving a meditative state very quickly and easily called Holosync.
The Holosync solution has actually been around for a fair while and there is plenty of press on the internet about it.
Being a self development addict I decided to give it a go as I really needed to create some space in my head away from work and all the demands being put on me at the moment.
What interested me greatly was reading that Holosync mediation is a brainwave technology that requires little effort to implement; in fact it is referred to as the "lazy man's way to meditate".
What Holosync meditation does is stimulate the creation of new neural pathways between the right and left hemispheres of your brain, balancing your brain and leading you to a high-performance state scientists call "whole brain functioning.
I have always wondered what would be possible for man if we could use more of our brain capacity and I thought this might be a good place to start.
So, I embarked on the course and documented my progress in the hope that it might help others seeking similar head-space.
Mediation is capable of relieving stress, promoting health, increasing brain power and judging by the Buddhist monks in China, making us live longer.
Yet in our busy lives that involve 70% work and the other 30% family life (sound familiar?) one doesn't have the time for meditation retreats or even evening classes - a crying shame considering the benefits available.
However, I recently came across a bright prospect for achieving a meditative state very quickly and easily called Holosync.
The Holosync solution has actually been around for a fair while and there is plenty of press on the internet about it.
Being a self development addict I decided to give it a go as I really needed to create some space in my head away from work and all the demands being put on me at the moment.
What interested me greatly was reading that Holosync mediation is a brainwave technology that requires little effort to implement; in fact it is referred to as the "lazy man's way to meditate".
What Holosync meditation does is stimulate the creation of new neural pathways between the right and left hemispheres of your brain, balancing your brain and leading you to a high-performance state scientists call "whole brain functioning.
I have always wondered what would be possible for man if we could use more of our brain capacity and I thought this might be a good place to start.
So, I embarked on the course and documented my progress in the hope that it might help others seeking similar head-space.