- 1). Cut one end of each runner board at a 45 degree angle.
- 2). Nail, screw or glue the runner boards narrow edge down to the bottom of the 3 foot long by 1 1/2 foot wide plywood platform. Place them on the outer edges of the platform lengthwise so that the angled ends point up, stick out in the front by 3 or 4 inches like a sleigh. Line the squared ends up flush with the back edge of the plywood.
- 3). Flip the platform over right side up. It should sit 4 inches off the ground on the runners.
- 4). Glue, nail or screw the 2 inch by 4 inch by 1 1/2 foot long backstop across the back edge of the platform. Affix it so that the 4 inch side is flat against the platform flush with the back edge giving a 2 inch high 4 inch wide stop.
- 5). Attach the D-rings or lengths of chain to the backstop to create noise for the dog to get used to. Chains should hang off the back.
- 6). Nail or screw the 2 leashes to the top side of the front of the runners. Make sure they are even with each other.
How to Make a Weight Pull Sled