Bladder infections can make life very uncomfortable for those who have them.
However, there is a lot you can do at home to make these infections less unpleasant, and get rid of them quickly.
The best home remedy is to drink a lot of fluids.
This is probably the single most important remedy for immediate relief and comfort.
By urinating, you will flush out the bacteria from your blood faster.
The longer any amount of urine stays in the bladder, the more bacteria stay in there.
It is believed that E coli doubles its population about every 20 minutes.
And more bacteria means more discomfort.
Taking a hot bath is the next best thing that you can do.
Many women vouch for a hot bath to get immediate relief from pain and inflammation caused by bladder infection.
Taking anti-inflammatory medicines like aspirin or ibuprofen also provides relief to a lot of people.
They reduce the inflammation in the bladder and thereby lessen the burning.
About 1,000 mg of vitamin c consumed every day will acidify the urine enough to stop further bacterial growth.
This is an especially good idea if you're having problems with recurring bladder infections or if you do not have access to quick medical help.
But you must keep in mind that some antibiotics prescribed for bladder infections do not work in acidic urine.
It is advisable to inform your doctor if you're taking vitamin C along with the dosage amounts.
Cranberry juice is known to help for the same reasons mentioned above.
Wiping from front to back after going to the bathroom helps prevent infections from occurring.
It helps to move bacteria away from, not toward, the vagina and the opening of the urethra.
Going to the bathroom before intercourse helps flush out bacteria that may be present in the vagina and otherwise might get pushed into the bladder by intercourse.
You must also visit the bathroom after intercourse.
A man's penis can massage bacteria present in the opening of the urethra into the bladder, and a rinse will help you clean yourself.
Bladder infections can be prevented if you use pads instead of tampons for the same reasons mentioned above.
Lastly, good hygiene always helps to keep bladder infections away.
This means wearing cotton underwear that keeps you dry, avoiding tight jeans that decrease ventilation, and most of all, keeping clean.
However, there is a lot you can do at home to make these infections less unpleasant, and get rid of them quickly.
The best home remedy is to drink a lot of fluids.
This is probably the single most important remedy for immediate relief and comfort.
By urinating, you will flush out the bacteria from your blood faster.
The longer any amount of urine stays in the bladder, the more bacteria stay in there.
It is believed that E coli doubles its population about every 20 minutes.
And more bacteria means more discomfort.
Taking a hot bath is the next best thing that you can do.
Many women vouch for a hot bath to get immediate relief from pain and inflammation caused by bladder infection.
Taking anti-inflammatory medicines like aspirin or ibuprofen also provides relief to a lot of people.
They reduce the inflammation in the bladder and thereby lessen the burning.
About 1,000 mg of vitamin c consumed every day will acidify the urine enough to stop further bacterial growth.
This is an especially good idea if you're having problems with recurring bladder infections or if you do not have access to quick medical help.
But you must keep in mind that some antibiotics prescribed for bladder infections do not work in acidic urine.
It is advisable to inform your doctor if you're taking vitamin C along with the dosage amounts.
Cranberry juice is known to help for the same reasons mentioned above.
Wiping from front to back after going to the bathroom helps prevent infections from occurring.
It helps to move bacteria away from, not toward, the vagina and the opening of the urethra.
Going to the bathroom before intercourse helps flush out bacteria that may be present in the vagina and otherwise might get pushed into the bladder by intercourse.
You must also visit the bathroom after intercourse.
A man's penis can massage bacteria present in the opening of the urethra into the bladder, and a rinse will help you clean yourself.
Bladder infections can be prevented if you use pads instead of tampons for the same reasons mentioned above.
Lastly, good hygiene always helps to keep bladder infections away.
This means wearing cotton underwear that keeps you dry, avoiding tight jeans that decrease ventilation, and most of all, keeping clean.