Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

How You Can Effectively Apologize: An Important Word Of Advice From A Marriage Counseling Book

If you realize that you hurt your spouse, apologize in order to resolve the conflict immediately.
Do not wait for a day to pass before you make amends, do it as soon as you can for a peaceful and harmonious married life.
In a marriage counseling book, you'll be taught on how to effectively say you're sorry and truly mean it.
Determine what actually happened Sometimes, it's the differences of opinions that cause conflicts.
If you think you have not committed any misgivings, but your partner thinks otherwise, then, talk about it.
There are instances when your spouse might see it as foul, but for you it is nothing, then let your spouse realize that what you did wasn't meant to hurt the other party.
Explain that you just used some wrong words or acted wrongly without realizing the consequences.
Figure out why it happened Make a reasonable explanation on why you committed this kind of wrongdoing to your spouse.
Avoid making excuses, though, for it will just aggravate the situation.
Be honest with your mistake.
Own it and explain yourself to your partner.
Sincerely express regret In the marriage counseling book, you will learn that to be truly sincere with your apology, you have to express it in a very calm and loving way.
Do not be very defensive when expressing apology.
Use words or phrases that really express your honest intent to apologize.
There are occasions when a spouse would just end the conflict by saying things like - "fine, I'm sorry, will never happen again", and hoping that the issue has been resolved.
Remember that when apologizing, the words and the tone used are important to effectively convey your mistake.
Accept responsibility In the marriage counseling book, the wrongdoer need to own the mistakes committed to the other party.
Explain your side and let your spouse know that it was you alone who committed the mistake and not him/her.
Take the full responsibility of the conflict.
Make an effort not to do it again There are no guarantees that you won't commit the same mistake again.
To err is human, and it's part of evolving into becoming a better person.
As much as possible, avoid making promises which you know that you might not have the ability to fulfill.
You can use phrases that is going to make your partner know that you're making a sincere effort not to commit such a mistake again.
Do your best though, and try to avoid that mistake all over again.
Make amends An excellent marriage counseling book is going to teach you that to truly convey your apology, show gestures that will compensate for your wrongdoings.
If you forgot your dinner date, set another one at the earliest opportunity.
Do your best to make up for the wrongdoings you committed.
Request forgiveness Humbly ask for forgiveness once your partner has calmed down and is ready for a conversation with you.
Do not push your partner to forgive you right away, be patient and wait for the right timing, as advised from the book on marriage counseling.
Apologize and learn from your mistakes for a stronger marriage.
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