Kansas Divorce Laws
RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS AND WHERE TO FILE:To file for a divorce in Kansas, either spouse must be a resident of the state for a least 60 days before filing. The divorce petition should be filed with the district court in the county where either spouse resides. [Based on Kansas Statutes 60-16-1603]
A divorce or separation may be based on the following grounds:
- Incompatibility
- A failure to perform a material marital duty or obligation.
- Established mental illness or mental incapacity of one or both spouses.
[Based on Kansas Statutes 60-16-1601]
A legal separation may be granted on the same grounds as a divorce, and may contain provisions detailing how matters will be handled during the separation, including provisions relating to a parenting plan. Any provisions relating to the legal custody, residency, visitation parenting time, support or education of the minor children shall be subject to the control of the court. A separation agreement may be incorporated into a divorce decree if the court finds it to be valid, just, and equitable. [Based on Kansas Statutes 60-16-1601]
Parents may be required to attend parent education classes, and if they are unable to come to an agreement concerning parental responsibilities, the court may require mediation, unless mediation would be inappropriate in the particular case.
[Based on Kansas Statutes 60-16-1626]
Kansas is an equitable distribution state, meaning that the property will be distributed in an equitable fashion if the parties can't reach an agreement. The court shall consider the following factors when dividing marital property:
- The age of the parties.
- The duration of the marriage.
- The property owned by each party.
- Each spouse's present and future earning capacities.
- How the property was acquired.
- Family ties and obligations.
- The allowance of maintenance or lack thereof.
- Dissipation of assets.
- The tax consequences of the property division upon the respective economic circumstances of the parties.
- Such other factors as the court considers necessary to make a just and reasonable division of property.
[Based on Kansas Statutes 60-16-1610]
Spousal maintenance may be awarded to either spouse in an amount the court finds to be fair, just and equitable under all of the circumstances. Maintenance may be awarded as a lump sum, in periodic payments, on a percentage of earnings, and the court may not award maintenance for a period of time in excess of 121 months. If the original decree contains provisions empowering the court to hear subsequent motions, and such motions are filed before the termination of 121 months, then the court may extend maintenance for a period of no more than 121 months. [Based on Kansas Statutes 60-16-1610]
The court shall order the restoration of that spouse's maiden or former name upon the request of that spouse. [Based on Kansas Statutes 60-16-1610]
Either parent may be awarded custody. If custody is disputed, it shall than be decided by the court based on the best interests of the child, taking the following factors into consideration:
- The desires of the parents in relation to custody.
- The desires of the child concerning custody.
- The interaction and interrelationship of the child with parents.
- The child’s adjustment to the child’s home, school and community.
- The willingness and ability of each parent to respect and encourage the bond between child and other parent.
- Evidence of spousal or child abuse either by the parent or someone with whom the parent resides.
- Whether a parent or someone with whom a parent resides is subject to Offender Registration.
[Based on Kansas Statutes 60-16-1610]
Regardless of the custody arrangements ordered by the court, the court may order the child support and education expenses to be paid by either or both parents. In determining the amountof child support, the court shall use the Kansas child support guidelines. Child support terminates at age 18 unless, the parents reach a written agreement to extend support, the child turns 18 before completing from high school. [Based on Kansas Statutes 60-16-1610 and 38-1598]