Health & Medical Diabetes

Diabetes Type 2 - How it Differs From Type 1

Diabetes type 2 is a common disease that is becoming even more prevalent with each passing day.
It is typically diagnosed in individuals after the age of 35 and is distinctly different in its cause from diabetes type 1.
Whereas people with type 1 are usually diagnosed before the age of 20 and have an inability to produce insulin, those with type 2 are able to produce insulin but their bodies' are no longer reactive to it.
Type 1 is typically caused by an autoimmune response in which the person's body produces antibodies that attack the pancreas, the body's insulin producer.
Alternately, type 2 is often brought on by factors such as poor dietary habits, obesity, and a lack of physical activity.
As both forms of diabetes work in very distinct manners, their treatments vary drastically as well.
Whereas those with diabetes type 1 are required to inject themselves with insulin when their blood sugar gets too high, those with type 2 may never even need to take insulin.
Also, while both forms can benefit from a healthy diet eaten on a regular schedule, that is a main focus of treatment and management of diabetes type 2.
Living a healthier life has a higher likelihood of producing measurable changes in those with diabetes type 2.
Although not all doctors and researchers are in agreement as to whether this disease is fully curable through changes in lifestyle alone, many have seen a tremendous benefit in symptoms when eating a healthier diet and exercising more often.
Those who start incorporating a variety of whole foods, decreasing the amount of high sugar and high carbohydrate foods, and increasing their activity level, will most likely see an improvement in their overall health as well as the symptoms related to their diabetes.
However, even though it might only be possible to cure type 2, patients with diabetes type 1 can still benefit from eating a nutritious diet and paying attention to portion sizes, as well as making sure to eat on a regular basis without skipping meals.
The good news is that, by making manageable changes to one's diet and exercise routine, there is a possibility of preventing a worsening of, or even reversing, diabetes type 2.
Adopting a diabetes diet is not complicated and can benefit both those with diabetes as well as those without.
By making sure that you are eating mostly good, nutritious food, and maintaining a proper weight, you can do your part in managing your diabetes.
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