Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

The impact of shadowy planets in our life

It is absolutely impossible to cover the impacts the planets Rahu and Kethu creates in our life. Because these two planets do not have physical presence always and when visible in the form of Eclipse creates solid impact on the earth.

Infact olden Hindu astrology do not take into account these two planets and that always seven planets were reckoned for predictions. It is also true that our ancient sages have allocated seven days per week in the name of seven planets only. These two planets do not find place amongst those seven planets physically present in the solar system.

It is because of this, many astrologers tend to overlook these two planets and its positioning in a chart. Astrologers must remember that physically/astronomically both Sun and Moon are made powerless and invisible to us during eclipses, besides making great impact on us very quietly. Hence, it is not so easy for anyone to understand these two planets unless one has made research on these two planets for years.

Fortunately, Hindu sages and Hindu kings have had terrible knowledge about these planets and this has resulted in construction of powerful temples. In almost all the temples and invariably  all Hindus worship snakes as form of GOD. The one temple which is exclusively meant for worshipping these two planets namely SREE Kalahasthi, located in South India is the most powerful one,as lacs of people do remedial prayers/pooja every day. All the Mantras recited in this temple are all names of various snakes. It is not clear as to how these planets are related to snakes ( may be because of many stories in this regard like kashyapa maharishi created these two planets by joining the head and tail of a great rakshas to the snakes body and head).

When one reads this story closely these two planets we created because of Lord Vishnu, who in order to save Devas had to use HIS CHKARA to cut the rakshas. But though their body was cut into two, HE could not kill them. It was Lord Shiva who could control them and bring them under HIS fold. Still these two rakshas could not be wiped out from the universe.

I do not know whether this story told to hindus are true or false, but when we closely look at them, it is clear that these two planets could not be defeated or fully controlled by even GODS. This is amazing and it is very difficult to accept and understand such phenomena. We are just human beings and it is beyond our reach to understand the same.

Though we cant exactly estimate, we can see for ourselves as to how these tow shadow planets makes terrible impact on humans. I have analysed thousands of horoscopes and found that when a planet is afflicted by Rahu and Kethu, it is not only that house is totally giving negative effects, but also the planets during their period. The severity of their impact can be seen in charts where Rahu/Kethu are in affliction with SUN/MOON.  If Rahu/SUN are in constellation of Aries, Leo,Libra, cancer etc., invariably the effect will be very clearly visible for an individual.

If Rahu/Kethu are afflicted with Mars/Saturn, the indivdidual will have aggressive nature resulting in murders/imprisonment etc., If along with this affliction, SUN/Moon joins, life will be disasterous.

I happened to look at a chart where for aries lagna, Mars was in sagittarius ( 2nd/9th house lord in 10th) which was a perfect Rajayoga. But Mars was afflicted with Rahu and aspected by Jupiter (Lagna lord) from 4th house. Every astrologer predicted that the person will be very well of and reach greater heights in his profession. The reality is such that he never had proper job and that he only had some friends in the Ministry. When he tried to enter politics, he was about to be arrested and escaped. This made him to quit from politics, as he was not well off and His family was afraid of him.

Now when one analyses this chart, just because 9th house lord is in 10th, it should not be predicted that person has Rajayoga. It is this Rahu which made his life miserable should be understood well.

This person approached me very late at the age of 55 and I told him that he has to carry out many prayers to  these two planets as otherwise rest of his life will also in the same way like the past. He asked me the reasons as to how and why I say so?. I told him that  It is beacuse of his past birth SINS carried over affects him badly. Though he could not really understand what is the meaning of Past birth SINS, because of the problems faced by him, he simply followed to carry out the prayers suggested. Now he is regular visitor to SREE Kalahasthi temple for the past 3 years and His life has turned around from nothing to a miilionaire.

It is not that just because he carried out prayers there, but it is the sincerity and whole heartedness towards the same, resulted in turn around of negative effects of  Rahu/Kethu in his chart.

This temple In Sree Kalahasthi has a river called SWARNAMUKHI, which when seen from top looks like a snake. This river has been described in many scripts as a river where planet SUN and MOON got relief from Rahu/Kethu. Many sages and even Gods got great relief after taking bath in this river and offered prayers in this temple.  Let us not try to disucss on what has been told in the scripts or stories.

Today, if one sees the river, it is maintained so badly and question of taking bath is impossible as there is no proper place for the same. It is an unfortunate scenario here, as this river is claimed to be varanasi (Kashi) of south India. But the prayers are done excellently by the priests inside the temple except that prayers are offered depending upon the money paid.

But this one temple defintely helps to overcome the negative impacts of Rahu and Kethu.
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