Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

My Favorite Skin Care Information

Have you been searching the Internet for really good skin care information? There are a ton of web sites and articles to sort through.
Sometimes its hard to know if what you are reading is even true.
So I decided to make a short cut by sorting through my own research and listing my favorite skin care info.
To keep things simple, the skin is made up from 3 major components.
Those components are collagen, elastin, and hyalouronic acid.
Collagen is the building blocks of your skin Elastin keeps your skin's shape Hyaluronic Acid is the glue that keeps collagen and elastin working together.
Some skin care information will tell you its a good idea to apply collagen directly to your skin to replenish your natural collagen levels.
This is false.
The collagen molecule is too big for the skin to absorb and use it directly.
Therefore, the best plan of action is to prevent collagen loss, and to stimulate new collagen growth.
Luckily, both of these things can be accomplished by nutrition.
Antioxidants are a great way to prevent collagen loss.
Eating foods such as berries and salmon is not only healthy for your heart, its good for your skin too.
Another of my favorite bits of good skin care information is the fact that you can just as easily, and more effectively feed your skin with the creams and lotions that you put on your face.
Applying the nutrition directly to your skin, puts all the benefits exactly where you want them.
This means its important to pay attention to the kinds of materials you put on your skin.
Look for products that are natural and plant based.
Read the labels and look for ingredients like Cyngery TK which is both high in antioxidants and stimulates collagen growth.
Another great ingredient is Phytessence Wakame.
This is a fancy name for sea kelp grown off the shores of Japan.
It has been proven to stimulate Hyaluronic Acid and people using this material report how much their skin just glows.
Great skin care info is easy when you boil it down to just a few things.
Its good to know that nutrition can make such a big difference in the health of your skin.
So look for creams and lotions that will feed your skin from the outside as well as adding antioxidants to your diet.
My favorite skin care information is that you don't have to spend a lot of money on fancy products.
You can make simple changes and create a big difference in how your skin looks.
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