The first of these unusual events happened in May, 2008. I was surfing the net in my kitchen in County Kildare, Ireland. My then four-year-old son was playing upstairs on the landing. He was supposed to be in bed, but I always allowed him to play five or ten minutes before he finally turned in.
He called out to me from upstairs. I thought he might have wanted the usual drink or something, but he said, "Dad...
I saw something." My protecting instincts kicked in and I went up to him. He was sitting on the second step of the stairs, shaking, with large, frightened, but slightly puzzled eyes.
I asked him what he saw and he said that while he was playing he saw a small, bald man at the end of my bed. This puzzled me as it was so out of the norm for him to make such a story up. I looked in my room. The door was open and the lamp was on. I checked the room to debunk it and make him feel better that there was nothing there.
I then asked him, "What did the man look like?"
He said, "He was baldy, had big ears, smiled, and did the 'na-na-na hands' thing on the sides of his head while sticking out his tongue at me." On hearing this, the hair stood up on the back of my neck and my eyes began to water with fright. This was just crazy. My son's description, the fact that it was in my room, the fact that it was mocking him, the story was crazy.
Seeing my reaction, my son then said, "It was probably just my imagination." This is what I usually said to him.
I pulled myself together and tried to think rationally. Nobody could have sneaked in as all the doors were locked. My son wasn't the kind of kid to make up things like this, especially not this bizarre. Anyway, we passed it off and that was that.
A couple of months passed, and I awoke late one night at about 4 a.m. I don't know why I woke, but just did. When I finally felt I was completely awake, I realised I could hear breathing right next to my right ear. My wife was asleep beside me on the left. The room was completely black dark and no light could be seen. I looked straight in the direction of the breathing. I could hear it as clear as my own. I knew I was looking right at whatever was breathing and it was about a foot away from me.
I didn't feel frightened (which later I was kind of proud of); instead, I felt like I was in a hypnotic state and that I could control the situation. This thing could not frighten me. I woke up the next morning and remembered the whole thing. I was definitely not dreaming, I knew I was awake. I dared not say anything to my wife as she was already freaked out about the baldy man incident.
Another couple of months later, it was my son's bedtime again. I told him to go on up and get ready for bed. My brother was visiting and I was finishing a chat we were having in the kitchen. As my son was on his way up the stairs, he stopped and said that he saw something again. Again, he was clearly frightened. He said that he saw the same baldy man leaning out over the banister of the landing, looking down on him while he made his way up the stairs. When he saw it, it flew right back out of sight.
This completely unnerved me. My brother was freaked out, too, to see how frightened my son was by it. I knew I had a spirit of some sort in the house.
The next day while everyone was out of the house, I went upstairs and asked the spirit to leave. I asked it to leave and stop frightening my son in the name of Jesus Christ. An eerie silence fell on the house... a kind of silence that could only be described as quieter than silence itself. The hairs on my neck and back were all raised in fear. The air felt heavy and thick with some sort of presence, and then it was gone. It felt like the house was free and ours again, even though I never felt it before, but when it left I totally noticed the change.
I never knew why this spirit just arrived one summer in the house, but I do remember doing something that could be related to it. One time I was working (surveying) on a job on a high hill top out in the country. There was supposedly a fairy mound or ring at the top of the hill. There was a small mound on the top of the hill and some stones that used to be around it, but were now scattered around the field from some kids playing. Apparently, tractors stop working when coming near this mound.
While I was working, I decided to replace the stones back to their original place around the fairy mound. When thinking back, I did that a little while before all the incidents with the baldy man started. It might be related... who knows? But one thing is for sure: If you want help with an unwanted presence or spirit in your house, ask for help from Jesus. Just my two cents.
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He called out to me from upstairs. I thought he might have wanted the usual drink or something, but he said, "Dad...
I saw something." My protecting instincts kicked in and I went up to him. He was sitting on the second step of the stairs, shaking, with large, frightened, but slightly puzzled eyes.
I asked him what he saw and he said that while he was playing he saw a small, bald man at the end of my bed. This puzzled me as it was so out of the norm for him to make such a story up. I looked in my room. The door was open and the lamp was on. I checked the room to debunk it and make him feel better that there was nothing there.
I then asked him, "What did the man look like?"
He said, "He was baldy, had big ears, smiled, and did the 'na-na-na hands' thing on the sides of his head while sticking out his tongue at me." On hearing this, the hair stood up on the back of my neck and my eyes began to water with fright. This was just crazy. My son's description, the fact that it was in my room, the fact that it was mocking him, the story was crazy.
Seeing my reaction, my son then said, "It was probably just my imagination." This is what I usually said to him.
I pulled myself together and tried to think rationally. Nobody could have sneaked in as all the doors were locked. My son wasn't the kind of kid to make up things like this, especially not this bizarre. Anyway, we passed it off and that was that.
A couple of months passed, and I awoke late one night at about 4 a.m. I don't know why I woke, but just did. When I finally felt I was completely awake, I realised I could hear breathing right next to my right ear. My wife was asleep beside me on the left. The room was completely black dark and no light could be seen. I looked straight in the direction of the breathing. I could hear it as clear as my own. I knew I was looking right at whatever was breathing and it was about a foot away from me.
I didn't feel frightened (which later I was kind of proud of); instead, I felt like I was in a hypnotic state and that I could control the situation. This thing could not frighten me. I woke up the next morning and remembered the whole thing. I was definitely not dreaming, I knew I was awake. I dared not say anything to my wife as she was already freaked out about the baldy man incident.
Another couple of months later, it was my son's bedtime again. I told him to go on up and get ready for bed. My brother was visiting and I was finishing a chat we were having in the kitchen. As my son was on his way up the stairs, he stopped and said that he saw something again. Again, he was clearly frightened. He said that he saw the same baldy man leaning out over the banister of the landing, looking down on him while he made his way up the stairs. When he saw it, it flew right back out of sight.
This completely unnerved me. My brother was freaked out, too, to see how frightened my son was by it. I knew I had a spirit of some sort in the house.
The next day while everyone was out of the house, I went upstairs and asked the spirit to leave. I asked it to leave and stop frightening my son in the name of Jesus Christ. An eerie silence fell on the house... a kind of silence that could only be described as quieter than silence itself. The hairs on my neck and back were all raised in fear. The air felt heavy and thick with some sort of presence, and then it was gone. It felt like the house was free and ours again, even though I never felt it before, but when it left I totally noticed the change.
I never knew why this spirit just arrived one summer in the house, but I do remember doing something that could be related to it. One time I was working (surveying) on a job on a high hill top out in the country. There was supposedly a fairy mound or ring at the top of the hill. There was a small mound on the top of the hill and some stones that used to be around it, but were now scattered around the field from some kids playing. Apparently, tractors stop working when coming near this mound.
While I was working, I decided to replace the stones back to their original place around the fairy mound. When thinking back, I did that a little while before all the incidents with the baldy man started. It might be related... who knows? But one thing is for sure: If you want help with an unwanted presence or spirit in your house, ask for help from Jesus. Just my two cents.
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