Creating your wedding registry will probably be one of the most fun but also most tiring parts of planning for your wedding.
It starts off super fun to use the little scanner guns to choose the wedding gifts you hope someone will buy you.
But then the list gets longer and longer and you start to wonder which set of dishes would look best with the set of glasses you chose.
Then you can't remember which set you actually chose so you have to go over and look at them again.
Then you wonder how many things you need on your list or if it is considered good etiquette to register for expensive things or not.
While you are peppering your fiance with these questions, he is getting more and more tired of shopping.
Pretty soon your fiance says he doesn't care which set of towels match your soap dispenser best, just hurry and choose.
Then you accuse him of not caring about this wedding like you do and things go downhill from there.
So how do you keep your wedding registering from turning ugly? You go to register prepared and knowledgeable about what to choose.
Keep these top 10 wedding registry tips in mind as you tackle this wedding task.
Here are the first five.
Quality: Register for good quality items.
We knew our friends were not very well off because they were college students like us.
We also didn't want to seem greedy, so we registered for the least expensive of every item we could find.
The problem with this was that many of the cheap items we registered for had to be replaced within a year or two, but this time it was at our expense.
So be sure to look for quality.
Price: Register for a variety of price levels.
What you may think is too expensive to put on a registry may be perfect for your coworkers to go in together on.
What you may be afraid is too small to put on a registry may be fun for people to bundle together for a personalized gift basket.
Convenience: Take your guests' convenience into account when you register.
Ask the store if your guests can purchase items online from your registry.
Make sure to register at a store that is close to where your wedding will be held.
Make sure your registry is easy to understand and includes all the information your guests will need to get the exact product you want.
Creativity: Be creative when you register.
Try to think of items that you really want but that might not traditionally be on a registry such as camping gear.
Duplication: Be careful when registering at multiple stores that you don't register for the same item but different brands or features at two different stores.
This may confuse guests who look at multiple registries as to which item you really want.
Look for my next 5 tips in 5 More Musts for Your Wedding Registry.
It starts off super fun to use the little scanner guns to choose the wedding gifts you hope someone will buy you.
But then the list gets longer and longer and you start to wonder which set of dishes would look best with the set of glasses you chose.
Then you can't remember which set you actually chose so you have to go over and look at them again.
Then you wonder how many things you need on your list or if it is considered good etiquette to register for expensive things or not.
While you are peppering your fiance with these questions, he is getting more and more tired of shopping.
Pretty soon your fiance says he doesn't care which set of towels match your soap dispenser best, just hurry and choose.
Then you accuse him of not caring about this wedding like you do and things go downhill from there.
So how do you keep your wedding registering from turning ugly? You go to register prepared and knowledgeable about what to choose.
Keep these top 10 wedding registry tips in mind as you tackle this wedding task.
Here are the first five.
Quality: Register for good quality items.
We knew our friends were not very well off because they were college students like us.
We also didn't want to seem greedy, so we registered for the least expensive of every item we could find.
The problem with this was that many of the cheap items we registered for had to be replaced within a year or two, but this time it was at our expense.
So be sure to look for quality.
Price: Register for a variety of price levels.
What you may think is too expensive to put on a registry may be perfect for your coworkers to go in together on.
What you may be afraid is too small to put on a registry may be fun for people to bundle together for a personalized gift basket.
Convenience: Take your guests' convenience into account when you register.
Ask the store if your guests can purchase items online from your registry.
Make sure to register at a store that is close to where your wedding will be held.
Make sure your registry is easy to understand and includes all the information your guests will need to get the exact product you want.
Creativity: Be creative when you register.
Try to think of items that you really want but that might not traditionally be on a registry such as camping gear.
Duplication: Be careful when registering at multiple stores that you don't register for the same item but different brands or features at two different stores.
This may confuse guests who look at multiple registries as to which item you really want.
Look for my next 5 tips in 5 More Musts for Your Wedding Registry.