If you want to double your income--or do anything else worthy in life--it is imperative that you set and achieve goals for yourself.
Many people claim to know this, yet for some reason they neglect all the different areas of life in which human beings can attain new things. If you want to double your income, you shouldn't concentrate solely on going after the money. There are other areas of life that will indirectly help increase your monetary wealth--and other types of wealth as well!
1. New things. Did you know that your life will slowly collapse in on you if you don't consciously expand your horizons from month to month? That may sound a little dramatic, but it's true all the same!
This is only one reason you should strive to bring new things into your life every month. How can you accomplish this?
There are many ways to bring newness into your life, month after month. Some of the ones that will eventually double your income include making ten new sales every month, investing in a new technology that will help you out in your business or career, reading a new book that deals with your business area (or even business or mindset in general), or learning a new attitude towards a recurring situation in your business life.
Keep in mind that some version of these "newness" business goals can be applied to other areas of life as well. While it's important to double your income, you have to keep in mind that wealth is not solely about money!
2. Learning. Make sure to set some goals to learn new things in your business as well as your personal life. This may entail learning new software (or better learning software you already have), learning advanced features of your product, learning how to listen better (a great skill to have in every area of your life!), or learning how to read body language in a sales or negotiation situation.
There are many routes you can go by to accomplish your learning goals. Night classes are only one of many ways to achieve these goals.
You can also find courses on CD, audio books, college students willing to tutor you for a reasonable hourly rate, online courses, correspondence courses, or one of many other options. There is even a service that condenses best-selling business books down into a five-page report on each books main points (it's called getAbstract, if you're wondering).
3. Yourself. Last but not least, you have yourself! You should take time in your life to focus on things that are especially for you.
Think of the things you would love to allow yourself to do--even if those things don't seem possible right now. By simply writing these things down, you will make them much more likely to occur.
This can include many things--a spiritual retreat, new exercise regimen to help you feel better, a vacation to rejuvenate, or even a monthly massage.
The important thing here is to do something good for yourself. You don't have to get lost in self-indulgence in order to do so. You'll treat other people even better when you treat yourself better. And you'll be a lot more likely to double your income when you treat yourself as a valuable part of your life--which you are!
Many people claim to know this, yet for some reason they neglect all the different areas of life in which human beings can attain new things. If you want to double your income, you shouldn't concentrate solely on going after the money. There are other areas of life that will indirectly help increase your monetary wealth--and other types of wealth as well!
1. New things. Did you know that your life will slowly collapse in on you if you don't consciously expand your horizons from month to month? That may sound a little dramatic, but it's true all the same!
This is only one reason you should strive to bring new things into your life every month. How can you accomplish this?
There are many ways to bring newness into your life, month after month. Some of the ones that will eventually double your income include making ten new sales every month, investing in a new technology that will help you out in your business or career, reading a new book that deals with your business area (or even business or mindset in general), or learning a new attitude towards a recurring situation in your business life.
Keep in mind that some version of these "newness" business goals can be applied to other areas of life as well. While it's important to double your income, you have to keep in mind that wealth is not solely about money!
2. Learning. Make sure to set some goals to learn new things in your business as well as your personal life. This may entail learning new software (or better learning software you already have), learning advanced features of your product, learning how to listen better (a great skill to have in every area of your life!), or learning how to read body language in a sales or negotiation situation.
There are many routes you can go by to accomplish your learning goals. Night classes are only one of many ways to achieve these goals.
You can also find courses on CD, audio books, college students willing to tutor you for a reasonable hourly rate, online courses, correspondence courses, or one of many other options. There is even a service that condenses best-selling business books down into a five-page report on each books main points (it's called getAbstract, if you're wondering).
3. Yourself. Last but not least, you have yourself! You should take time in your life to focus on things that are especially for you.
Think of the things you would love to allow yourself to do--even if those things don't seem possible right now. By simply writing these things down, you will make them much more likely to occur.
This can include many things--a spiritual retreat, new exercise regimen to help you feel better, a vacation to rejuvenate, or even a monthly massage.
The important thing here is to do something good for yourself. You don't have to get lost in self-indulgence in order to do so. You'll treat other people even better when you treat yourself better. And you'll be a lot more likely to double your income when you treat yourself as a valuable part of your life--which you are!