Pets & Animal: Choosing the Right Puppy For Your Family Dogs

Choosing the Right Puppy For Your Family

Choosing a puppy to become a member of a family is an important decision and not a simple choice. No puppy should be selected on the spur of the moment and puppies almost never make good surprise gifts either.

Pets & Animal: Benefits Of Generic Heartgard For Heartworm Prevention In Dogs Dogs

Benefits Of Generic Heartgard For Heartworm Prevention In Dogs

Heartworm is a very serious disease which affects dogs. It is caused by a parasite spread through mosquitoes. Although this disease is dangerous enough to cause death when left untreated, it is easily preventable with medication such as generic Heartgard.

Pets & Animal: Selecting the Right Dog Dogs

Selecting the Right Dog

Everybody's living situation is different and that means selecting the right dog for you is a must. Deciding on the right dog is not only in your best interest but also take into consideration the type of life you dog will also have. Here are a few ways to make sure its a perfect fit for you an

Pets & Animal: Eliminate Fleas With An Effective Dog Flea Treatment Dogs

Eliminate Fleas With An Effective Dog Flea Treatment

Most dog owners will try to find the best treatment to help eliminate dog fleas. Some of the symptoms which could affect these animals include abnormal scratching; loss of hair; red bumps; skin lesions; biting of their tail end, rear or thighs as well as evidence such as flea dirt. This dirt will be

Pets & Animal: Easiest Way to Potty Train a 6 Week Old Puppy Dogs

Easiest Way to Potty Train a 6 Week Old Puppy

The easiest way to potty train a puppy is using "behavior capture" which focuses on praising the puppy when he practices the behavior you want. This is easy, as the puppy has a natural inclination to potty. All that is necessary is maximizing the number of times he goes where you want and minimizin

Pets & Animal: No Backyard, Then Start Walking With Your Dog Dogs

No Backyard, Then Start Walking With Your Dog

When I meet with a new dog training client that has hired me to help them with all their dog's behavior issues one thing is quite common. You guessed it... no backyard. That means that their dog doesn't get exercised. Usually all it gets is those 10 minute walks for it to do its business a

Pets & Animal: Remedies For Motion Sickness in Dogs Dogs

Remedies For Motion Sickness in Dogs

Motion Sickness is not something that is only seen in animals. It is a common phenomenon observed even in human beings. You might have observed on your long distance travel in a bus, a flight or, even a train, you encounter a vomiting sensation. There are also instances when you have just come from

Pets & Animal: Dog Dental Hygiene - Why It's So Important Dogs

Dog Dental Hygiene - Why It's So Important

When most people think of good dog grooming they think only of a bath and brushing to help maintain a beautiful coat and reduce shedding. Well there is one more very important task to good grooming and that is keeping your dog's teeth clean and tartar free.

Pets & Animal: Walk On Leash Training For Dogs Dogs

Walk On Leash Training For Dogs

You might be wondering why it is sometimes difficult for you to walk your dog using a leash. This might be because you were not able to train him when he is still on the puppy stage. It would already be difficult to train them when they are already a full-grown. So as early as possible, try this tra

Pets & Animal: Giardia and Your New Puppy Dogs

Giardia and Your New Puppy

Giardia is microscopic parasites that form cysts. These cysts cling to the surface of the infected dog, or they can float free in the mucous lining and pass from the dog when he eliminates (poops). Once passed, the cysts can survive for several months outside the animal if sufficient moisture is pre

Pets & Animal: DIY Dog Traction Boots Dogs

DIY Dog Traction Boots

You might want to protect your dog's paws and provide extra traction if you and your dog like to hike on rough terrain, wet rock or snowy trails. City dogs need boots in a snowy winter, to protect their paw pads from the drying and cracking effects of salt. If your dog has an cut or other injury on

Pets & Animal: How to Make Dog Treats for Dogs With Allergies Dogs

How to Make Dog Treats for Dogs With Allergies

Dogs with allergies can provide a challenge when it comes to feeding them, but there's no need to shell out big bucks for gourmet snacks that fit your dog's nutritional needs. You can make homemade doggy treats with baby food. Because baby food is so pure, you know exactly what's going into your pup

Pets & Animal: About Boiled Tea Medicine for Dogs Dogs

About Boiled Tea Medicine for Dogs

Tea is a tasty caffeinated or herbal beverage that many people drink to relax. However, some medicines are also given in tea form. While dogs should not drink most human tea beverages, they may benefit from boiled tea medicines.

Pets & Animal: House Training A Dog - How To House Train Your Dog Dogs

House Training A Dog - How To House Train Your Dog

House training a dog is perhaps one of the biggest subjects when it comes to dog obedience training. If you do it right, there isn't that much of a hassle. However, many people have trouble when it comes to potty training their dog because there is a bit of a commitment involved. In his article

Pets & Animal: Inducing Vomiting in Dogs Dogs

Inducing Vomiting in Dogs

When To Take ActionIf a dog eats a poison or swallows a toy that may get caught in the intestines, inducing vomiting is recommended. However, according to the "Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook", if the dog is already vomiting, then inducing even more vomiting may bring on dehydration....