Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Audio Books - What's Hot For 2010?

Audio Books - What's Hot For 2010?

Just like printed books, you certainly have to update yourself with the latest audio book releases. Whether it is printed or audio, any book can make such a deep impression that it may be hard to forget its most interesting features. However, no matter how interesting a book is, you will find it les

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Rhapsody, By: David Lundgren - Book Review

Rhapsody, By: David Lundgren - Book Review

After the struggle to save his beloved home and the battles that later ensued, Raf is definitely in need of a respite. Traveling back with his comrades and the Gerent, he reflects on the previous few days; he discovered his own burgeoning powers as a melforger and healed the Ancients of his home, al

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: An End to Hostility

An End to Hostility

Hostility can never cease or end. If peace initiatives are not taken or feelers sent. It may go on worsening the situation. It may have distrust consequences if allowed long duration.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Avoiding the Management Trap

Avoiding the Management Trap

This is the title to Chapter 2 in "Your First Year in Network Marketing." This chapter is powerful. This whole book is powerful, but I particularly enjoyed this chapter because it really hit home.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: A Review of The Boxcar Children Written by Gertrude Chandler Warner

A Review of The Boxcar Children Written by Gertrude Chandler Warner

Henry, Jessie, Violet and Benny are four kids on an adventure to run away from a grandfather they have never met when their parents have somehow died. All they seem to know about their grandfather is that he didn't like their mother and never came to visit them. So they believe he doesn't

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Book Review: "Help Me, I'm Married" by Joyce Meyer

Book Review: "Help Me, I'm Married" by Joyce Meyer

The blending of two individuals into one harmonious marriage is a process that takes time. Making a relationship work is hard and sometimes even painful. Joyce Meyer reveals the secret of a successful Christian marriage in her book 'Help Me, I'm Married!'.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: A Good American by Alex George: A Review

A Good American by Alex George: A Review

Multi-generational family seeks the good life as American immigrants in epic novel, A Good American by Alex George. Amy Einhorn Books releases this historical fiction novel February 2012.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Money Magazines - Your Gateway to Financial Success

Money Magazines - Your Gateway to Financial Success

Money magazines give you a lot of information that can help you plan and look after your finances. Magazines publish topics of interest and latest financial news. Such magazines enlighten us about money matters. Magazines keep you updated with recent trends and opportunities.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: My Millionaire Mentor 2011 - Who's Behind the My Millionaire Mentor Program?

My Millionaire Mentor 2011 - Who's Behind the My Millionaire Mentor Program?

I'm sure you have heard of him before. If you are new to Internet Marketing I can easily understand if you haven't but if you are not new... you really should know who this guy is. He has studied under some of the most successful Online Marketers on the planet. Guys like Mike Filsaime and

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: What Helps Stop Sweating? An eBook Review

What Helps Stop Sweating? An eBook Review

For the majority of folks out there, sweat is a mild annoyance. It is something that happens when we work out or if we happen to be outside on an exceptionally warm day. Most people don't really think twice about the fact that they are sweating unless they either forgot to put on deodorant that

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Suffering and Smiling

Suffering and Smiling

The agony we experience when we find ourselves in a position where we couldn't help ourselves and our task masters keep exploiting us; asking us to say it is well when down in our heart we know we are not well and nothing around us is well. This is what the black race faces in the hand of their

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Get Out of the Red and Into the Black

Get Out of the Red and Into the Black

Bottom line: no matter where how deep in debt you are, there is a way out if you keep your head and keep moving forward. And, "How to Get Out of Debt, Stay Out of Debt & Live Prosperously," by Jerrold Mundis can help you do it, if you follow his three cardinal rules: 1) don't debt one

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Chaos Cycle - Book Review

The Chaos Cycle - Book Review

The Chaos Cycle by John Kerchack is destined for the bestsellers list! I couldn't put it down and was quite frustratedwhen my life kept interrupting my reading sessions duringthe review process of this book...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Storyteller, Volume I - A Must Read Book

The Storyteller, Volume I - A Must Read Book

The Storyteller is a collection of short stories that will keep you absolutely thrilled! Volume I includes: The Fennigan Case, A Unique Team, A Gifted Child, The Witch, Sand & The Hidden Knowledge.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Ines of My Soul- Book Review

Ines of My Soul- Book Review

This story is a brilliant historical epic, full of excitement and suspense. Despite the battles, cruelty, and blood and gore, the central theme is the passionate love and companionship between two lovers.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Stimulus Vs Austerity: What Gives? Part 1

Stimulus Vs Austerity: What Gives? Part 1

Stimulus and Austerity are the two methods used by governments to try to heal an unhealthy economy or to ride it out. In this first part, I examine the opportunity for stimulus, the various kinds of stimulus, and the risks associated with them.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Rhinoceros Success in Your Online Business

Rhinoceros Success in Your Online Business

Are you seeking Rhinoceros Success for your online business? What exactly is it about the 7 figure earners that helped them achieve that level of success? This article goes in to how to get your mindset where it needs to be to achieve 7 figure success in your online business.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Kill Dress by John Young

Kill Dress by John Young

Ladies if you ever decide to get revenge on a guy who did you wrong - read this book first. Payback can be sweet but sometimes comeuppance comes with a high price tag.