Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Read Favorite Books on Stock Trading - Reference on the Crisis

Read Favorite Books on Stock Trading - Reference on the Crisis

No matter if you are a beginner traders or experienced traders; you will always need some opinions and idea as references since the world of trading need good speculations. You also need to gain a better understanding of the stock market and trading in general. Since trading or speculating in the st

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Guy Gets Girl Review

Guy Gets Girl Review

Guy Gets Girl is a popular ebook written by Tiffany Taylor. It is one of the few dating and seduction guides written by women. It has been online since 2003 and many costumers seem to be very pleased with Tiffany's advice.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: "Vegan Brunch" Reveals Homemade Vegan Sausage Secrets

"Vegan Brunch" Reveals Homemade Vegan Sausage Secrets

Isa Chandra Moskowitz has made a liar out of me. Not long ago, I wrote that Moskowitz' "Veganomicon" was the last cookbook you needed to buy, and now she comes out with "Vegan Brunch". Blame it on her vegan Italian Feast Sausage recipe.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Power Poem - Tree Consciousness

Power Poem - Tree Consciousness

If we were trees. We would be completely grounded into Earth. Our roots firmly implanted into our Mother's soil. Nourishing ourselves with her nutrients and only taking that which is needed.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Critical Mass by Kathleen M Henry

Critical Mass by Kathleen M Henry

"Critical Mass" by Kathleen M. Henry, captures the fidelity and the disenchantment, the dedication and the disillusionment that has emerged within the Catholic Church for over nine decades. Henry uses fictional accounts of intertwined stories of people's lives to expose the impact of

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

Book Review: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle The literary world is incomplete without mention of Arthur Conan Doyle's legendary fictional character Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes ruled the minds of audiences in a manner no other literary character has been able to

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Planting Missional Churches - Book Review

Planting Missional Churches - Book Review

Ed Stetzer is a Ph.D., who has planted churches in different place in the United States. He is also a church planter's trainer across the United States and other continents. He is a former seminary professor and presently a missiologist and director of research for the North American Mission Bo

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Being Bullied - Why Me?

Being Bullied - Why Me?

Today's news seems to speak of an increase in bullying as more and more stories are told of how some teens can and have been pushed to the limit of their endurance and choose death over the repeated abuse they have consistently received by many of their peers. This poem was written one evening

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Europa Conspiracy

The Europa Conspiracy

The writing is on the wall for the Babylon Rising series, and it looks good for them. In the third novel, biblical archaeologist Michael Murphy is seeking out the Babylonian wall that God literally inscribed a warning on before overthrowing the kingdom. And the result is quite an interesting story t

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Dark Water by Jen Talty A Book Review

Dark Water by Jen Talty A Book Review

What you can't see in dark waters is sometimes what you can't even see right in front of your face. In this story, romance develops provided by circumstances, but what they couldn't see through the dark waters is suddenly clear in the light for both the mysteries and the heart.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Beating AdWords, eBook and Affiliate Program Review

Beating AdWords, eBook and Affiliate Program Review

For $67.00 there really is no better way to learn the ropes of Google, and its search engines. Beating AdWords is a digital down load e-book that is packed with the most up to date information on how to best succeed at advertising on Google.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Three Little Ditties (Boom Box, Jelly Music, and Moondog #4)

Three Little Ditties (Boom Box, Jelly Music, and Moondog #4)

Here are three little Ditties, music rhimes, it if doesn't make much sense, well, don't get mad, it's that kind of music, you know, what is out there, most don't make any sense, and if I made sense, I'd be the only one. So it is go with the flow music today.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Needless Corruption: Deep and Wide

Needless Corruption: Deep and Wide

From dire circumstances they always seem to emerge. Ambitious men with unsavory tongues and a very strong appetite. And don't you know that such desire often proves to be a dangerous thing?

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Book Review - Decision Points, By George W Bush

Book Review - Decision Points, By George W Bush

This book contains the presidential memoirs of George W. Bush. It is different than normal memoirs as he breaks it down into major events and situations in his presidency and how he arrived at the decisions that he did.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Start Writing Now and Not Procrastinating

Start Writing Now and Not Procrastinating

You want to write that first book.You have the idea, some characters and perhaps the location where it takes place, but you just can't get going.Here are some tips that will help you get off the couch and behind that keyboard.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Review - Home Alone America

Review - Home Alone America

Even the best day care centers are little better than germ factories. If one child is sick, which happens frequently, it is nearly guaranteed that all of the other children, and the day care provider, will also get sick. There is also a large increase in aggressive and violent behavior among 3 and 4

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: I Shall Not Hear The Nightingale - Khushwant Singh: A Story Of Baptism In Blood

I Shall Not Hear The Nightingale - Khushwant Singh: A Story Of Baptism In Blood

Sher Singh killed a crane. He wanted to be a terrorist. But there was baptism in his blood. He felt for the crane. If one crane is killed, the other dies of grief. His instigator is Madan. Madan feels if there is baptism in blood it should be shed. The story is about the inefficacy of violence. It p

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Trilogy Moments For The Mind, Body, And Soul - By The Spence Family

Trilogy Moments For The Mind, Body, And Soul - By The Spence Family

I have read the Trilogy Moments for the Mind, Body and Soul, written by Joseph S Spence, Sheila M. Parish-Spence, and Johnathan Clarence Parish-Spence, and I was truly blessed be the content of this book. It was so good to see this family of poets coming together to produce this masterpiece, which t