Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Bogleheads' Guide to Retirement Planning - The Problem and the Solution

Bogleheads' Guide to Retirement Planning - The Problem and the Solution

Bogleheads' Guide to Retirement Planning is very well written and explains in detail the process required for planning, funding, and managing a retirement portfolio. The problem is that it does not address one of the main issues that faces many of the estimated 79 million Baby Boomers who will

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Ordinary Times (Poetic Prose)

Ordinary Times (Poetic Prose)

Whenever I've traveled-since the age of nineteen years old-I've stepped down into the so called under-world, with more of a mind of an explorer, yet at times I've got caught in this motley world, in which has made me thankful of my youth, and strength, to escape it, lest I become buri

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Divine Comedy - The Irony of Self Sufficiency

Divine Comedy - The Irony of Self Sufficiency

Life is a glorious divine comedy set forth by the all wise divinity. Continuously challenging humanity to think again more thoroughly. To examine things more carefully. To love and walk with God humbly, wherewith mankind can live happily. To live arrogantly otherwise in isolation and self-sufficienc

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Tilly Bagshawe - Filling In the Sidney Sheldon Shoes

Tilly Bagshawe - Filling In the Sidney Sheldon Shoes

Tilly Bagshawe is well renowned for her latest endeavors Mistress of the Game and After the Darkness, so it's pretty normal for the readers to have questions about how she became involved in writing Sidney Sheldon legacy. Tilly Bagshawe attributes it to luck, and the fact that she just happened

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: A Review of the Book, Life by Keith Richards

A Review of the Book, Life by Keith Richards

What a book. This has to be the best memoir written by a musician - with help from James Fox as a ghost writer - since the forties. I am exactly the same age as Keith Richards and I know what he is talking about when he refers to life in that extraordinary era of the '60's. So he went nuts

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Silent Plea(City of Junin, Pacific War) Flash Fiction

The Silent Plea(City of Junin, Pacific War) Flash Fiction

The first part of the battle was over, only ghosts, and the dead remained silent. The stretcher-bearers stopped looking for the dying, the wounded, the ones that had shown some life were all abandoned, a few officers in the far distance disputed this, but a new battle was ensuing, and the dead and

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Men Buying Jewelry For Women Need to Know These 10 Things (and More)

Men Buying Jewelry For Women Need to Know These 10 Things (and More)

I have discovered that the reason I have had so little success at buying jewelry for my wife in the last 16 years is that there is so much I do not know about jewelry and how to shop for it. This is a short list that scratches the surface of what I learned recently in the book "His Guide To He

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: What Do You Really Want? - Book Review

What Do You Really Want? - Book Review

By Beverly K. Bachel. Understand why goals are worth having. Discover how to move step-by-step toward the future you want. Find strategies to stop procrastinating. Overcome obstacles that have been hindering your future success. Turn impossible dreams into reality. Get linked to mentors to take your

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Hebrew Bible (Audio)

Hebrew Bible (Audio)

This is a review of The Modern Scholar: The Hebrew Bible audio course download available from Audible. This is a course on the the Hebrew Bible taught by Lawrence Schiffman. He is a widely recognized expert on both the Hebrew Bible in general and the Dead Sea Scrolls in particular.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Interview With Peter Lewis, Author of "Treehouse Chronicles"

Interview With Peter Lewis, Author of "Treehouse Chronicles"

This is a story of what happens when big people decide to be kids again and they have tools and lumber.A beautifully written tale about building an elaborate two story treehouse in the Maine woods, "Treehouse Chronicles" is reflective and insightful, and carries the reader along as a dream

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Book Review of My Dead Friend Sarah

Book Review of My Dead Friend Sarah

My Dead Friend Sarah is a mystery suspense set in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous in New York City. A newly sober member of AA named Max begins following a girl he's been dreaming about, in order to warn her of the impending doom he knows his coming towards her. She falls in love with him, ev

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Book Review: Mezcalaria, The Cult of Mezcal by Ulises Torrentera

Book Review: Mezcalaria, The Cult of Mezcal by Ulises Torrentera

Mezcalaria, The Cult of Mezcal is the most comprehensive multidisciplinary book of its kind. It draws from both historical and contemporary sources, and brings together social, anthropological, legal and enthobotanical literature on the spirit as well as detailing pulque and the agave plant in gener

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: An Imaginary Conclusion

An Imaginary Conclusion

The sky and earth meet somewhere. If not at least they present the scene here. The illusory world with fake show. We think same and falsely grow.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Biography of Mikhail Gorbachov - Part 1

The Biography of Mikhail Gorbachov - Part 1

Having visited Moscow (and Minsk) in 2007 I became intrigued by this country, its people its history, how else could it when you have stayed in the beautiful historic hotel Sovietsky? But understanding a lot of modern Russia?

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: A Strong Union

A Strong Union

I was dismayed to look at lovely bond. Even birds are making love noise and are very fond. They may be sky bound but come down. To meet and see the family of their own.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Writting a Product Review on Amazon

Writting a Product Review on Amazon

Product reviews [] can be of assistance to other customers in finding out important features of a product and if a product is worthwhile or not. When you are unsure about a purchase, going through ...