Pets & Animal: DIY: Aquarium Background

DIY: Aquarium Background

Backgrounds are an essential part of the visual appeal of an aquarium. They block the equipment plumbing and wires from view and provide a backdrop to highlight the life in the tank. They can also be an important contributor to a fish's sense of security by providing the feeling of camouflage.

Pets & Animal: The Basics of Creating an Angelfish Aquarium

The Basics of Creating an Angelfish Aquarium

Most people end up keeping fish as pets because they require less care than dogs or cats. This said, fish make excellent pets and as an owner, you have to make sure that your fish have the best habitat to live in. One of fish that decorate several aquariums at homes is the angelfish. This is primari

Pets & Animal: How to Set Up Deployment for VBS Custom Action Data

How to Set Up Deployment for VBS Custom Action Data

When you develop an application in the Visual Studio development suite, the package has a built-in Windows Installer creation process. The Installer creation can be simplified through a wizard, and then you can further customize the set-up with CustomActionData. CustomActionData draws properties fro

Pets & Animal: The Beautiful Varieties Of Koi

The Beautiful Varieties Of Koi

Koi fish are one of the world's most beautiful sights. Their vividly coloured thin body has made it Japan's most popular fish, so much so that it is now deemed the national fish of the country. Their intense coloring makes it very attractive in ponds, rivers and even restaurant aquariums.

Pets & Animal: How to Set Up an Undergravel Filter in a Hex Tank

How to Set Up an Undergravel Filter in a Hex Tank

A hex tank has a smaller bottom area than many other sized aquariums, making the surface area for an undergravel filter smaller than with a standard rectangular tank. A hex tank requires an undergravel filter that is specifically designed to fit on the bottom of a hexagonal tank. It should also fit

Pets & Animal: Adding Fish to the New Aquarium - Set-Up Tip 5

Adding Fish to the New Aquarium - Set-Up Tip 5

Adding fish should never be done before the tank is set up and running properly. There are many opinions on the best time when adding fish for the first time; some people will even tell you to cycle the aquarium without them. You are in the process of establishing a natural habitat, why expend the e

Pets & Animal: How to Fix High Alkalinity in Aquariums

How to Fix High Alkalinity in Aquariums

Fish thrive in a stable and constant pH level, and having a high alkalinity will surely affects the life of the fish. High alkalinity occurs when the water in a fishtank is unable to maintain a constant pH, and over time such high levels can result in fish kill. Fixing high alkalinity in aquariums w

Pets & Animal: Koi Pond Kits

Koi Pond Kits

A beautiful, backyard is refreshing and carries an atmosphere of serenity. If you are looking for ways to enhance your yard, look into the addition of a Koi pond. With their brilliant colours and large size, they are an instant appeal. Koi pond kits make the task easy work. New Koi enthusiasts may n

Pets & Animal: Halfmoon Bettas - What Makes a Perfect Halfmoon Betta Tail

Halfmoon Bettas - What Makes a Perfect Halfmoon Betta Tail

The ultimate type of betta fish that is most sought after is definitely the halfmoon betta.Unfortunately, many fish are being sold as halfmoons when they don't technically have all the character traits.Learn what traits are important to have when breeding or buying halfmoon betta fish.

Pets & Animal: Pirarucu Fish Diet

Pirarucu Fish Diet

The pirarucu is a large freshwater fish that can grow up to 9 feet in length and is found in South America's Amazon basin. These fish have become rare due to excessive fishing and are part of a conservation program in South America.

Pets & Animal: How Does a Male Seahorse Give Birth?

How Does a Male Seahorse Give Birth?

Seahorses, found in tropical climates, swim upright, eat 3,000 or more brine shrimp each day and, most interestingly, reserve the job of childbirth to the father, according to the National Geographic website. Dad seahorses play mom from conception to birth, but not in the typical manner. A brood pou

Pets & Animal: Amazing Secrets About Your Beloved Goldfish

Amazing Secrets About Your Beloved Goldfish

Goldfish are very much loved and adored by pet lovers and they are natural choice as pets for many people. Although you may wonder about the advantages of owning a goldfish because as a pet they will not communicate with you directly or will not run or walk with me like a cat or a dog.

Pets & Animal: What Is A Diatom Filter?

What Is A Diatom Filter?

A diatom filter does not just filter the water, it polishes it to almost perfect clarity freeing the water from even the smallest debris and organisms which will ensure that the fish you keep remain healthy. Since the introduction of the diatom filter, it has enabled even large aquariums to increase

Pets & Animal: Breeding Convict Cichlids

Breeding Convict Cichlids

Convict Cichlids are very popular specie of Cichlids. They are great parents and are probably the easiest type of cichlid to breed. But you need to provide them with the right conditions first. In this article you will find what your convict Cichlids need in order to breed.

Pets & Animal: Goldfish Care - Preventing Goldfish Diseases

Goldfish Care - Preventing Goldfish Diseases

When it comes to looking after your goldfish, there is nothing more important that keeping a clean, sanitary environment. Unfortunately a lot of people just don't take the necessary precautions to keep their goldfish free from disease. Here are some simple precautions you can take to ensure no

Pets & Animal: The Difference Between a Nightcrawler & Bloodworm

The Difference Between a Nightcrawler & Bloodworm

Earthworms, also known as nightcrawlers, are extremely helpful in digesting and processing organic materials in the earth. Their digestion of plant waste converts rotting organisms into rich topsoil. Different types of bloodworms are thought to serve different purposes. Some are thought to digest or

Pets & Animal: Maintaining Koi and Japanese Koi Ponds Throughout the Year

Maintaining Koi and Japanese Koi Ponds Throughout the Year

Most people simply check on their koi and perform maintenance on their koi pond equipment and, in the end, think that is all they will need to maintain their koi and pond over the entire year. For owners of Japanese koi ponds, 3 simple steps must be followed if you want to maintain your koi and koi

Pets & Animal: French Angelfish

French Angelfish

The French angelfish is a very popular large angelfish within the pomacanthidae family. They are also some of the largest angels in that family. They enjoy their popularity with two other angels, the Emperor and the Queen angelfish.

Pets & Animal: The Colombian Tetra Fact Sheet

The Colombian Tetra Fact Sheet

The Colombian Tetra has several common names, most of them based on "Colombian Tetra". Come of these common names are: "Red and Blue Colombian Tetra", "Red Tail Mirror Blue Tetra", "Blue Flame Tetra", "Red Blue Colombian Tetra", "Red/Blue Colomb

Pets & Animal: Starting Off With African Cichlids and Betta Fish

Starting Off With African Cichlids and Betta Fish

Two of the most preferred aquarium fishes, not only among beginning hobbyists, but also by expert aquarists, are the betta fish and African cichlids. The many interesting characteristics of these two species make them increasingly popular in the fish keeping hobby, and are most sought for.