Pets & Animal: 6 Important Koi Care Tips

6 Important Koi Care Tips

For koi lovers around the world, proper koi care is very important in keeping these wonderful creatures swimming in your outdoor ponds. Maintaining a koi pond in your backyard is often one of the most fulfilling achievements that you can be proud of.

Pets & Animal: How to Plumb a 125-Gallon Tank

How to Plumb a 125-Gallon Tank

Aquariums are plumbed to supply water to a remote reservoir or sump. Sumps are normally situated under or behind an aquarium and offer the hobbyist an out of sight area in which to hide numerous pieces of filter equipment and heaters. Sumps also afford the aquarist an opportunity to include more wat

Pets & Animal: How to Recognise and Treat White Spot Disease in Fish

How to Recognise and Treat White Spot Disease in Fish

White spot disease is a very common disease of both marine and freshwater fish. The parasite is a small, round ciliated protozoan and they can produce lesions that take on the form of tiny (~1mm) white cystic nodules which are big enough to be seen by the naked eye! So, how do you know if your fish

Pets & Animal: Think Before You Start a Freshwater Fish Aquarium Hobby

Think Before You Start a Freshwater Fish Aquarium Hobby

Starting any hobby is great if you've got the enthusiasm, excitement and ability. But they soon disappear if you start without thinking first about what you need and how to go about the initial set up. Instead, you have apathy, disillusionment and demotivation.This is precisely what you don&apo

Pets & Animal: Convict Cichlids Breeding - Five Easy Steps for Successful Results

Convict Cichlids Breeding - Five Easy Steps for Successful Results

Learning the proper ways on convict cichlids breeding requires patience and perseverance. Mating among organism is never superficial. In their natural habitat, mate selection and reproduction between organisms are instinctive. However, because of the increasing demand for this variety, cultivation h

Pets & Animal: Ideal Betta Fish Life Expectancy

Ideal Betta Fish Life Expectancy

Betta owners and fanciers of the fish may well wonder: how long are these lovely little fish expected to live? The answer is that betta life expectancy is only average by aquarium standards: just around two to three years from when an average betta is purchased at an average pet store. However, of c

Pets & Animal: Cardinal Tetra

Cardinal Tetra

An in-depth look into the cardinal tetra, a very popular aquarium fish. One that is effectively an annual species, and has a lifespan of just a single year in nature, but lives for several years in captivity.

Pets & Animal: How to Breed Fish at Home

How to Breed Fish at Home

The breeding capacity of aquarium fish varies greatly from species to species. Some species breed so readily that you need to take active steps just to stop them; others breed only under very specific conditions; still others have never been seen to breed in captivity. There are principles which mus

Pets & Animal: Koi Farming: A Lucrative Source of Money

Koi Farming: A Lucrative Source of Money

Aquaculture is catching on world-wide with the continued decimation of the fish population in the Earth's oceans. This article discusses the basics of farming Koi either as ordinary carp for food or for supplying the needs of other Koi enthusiasts.

Pets & Animal: Salt Water 101 -Buying The Correct Equipment

Salt Water 101 -Buying The Correct Equipment

A hazard to be aware of when purchasing the best lighting system is that it will generate heat, which your coral will not tolerate.To overcome this problem (rather than purchasing a lesser lighting system, add a "chiller" to your list of equipment needed.A chiller is basically a small refr

Pets & Animal: Aquarium Filters Buying Guide

Aquarium Filters Buying Guide

Important information for those buying a fish tank. This article highlights the different filtration methods and types of filter available on the market today.

Pets & Animal: How Do Glass Fish Reproduce?

How Do Glass Fish Reproduce?

Glass fish, also called glass perch, Siamese glass fish and chandras, are peculiar in that their flesh is clear. They are relatively successful fish in home aquariums, but have a reputation of being difficult to keep and even more difficult to breed. This reputation is due more to the fact that the

Pets & Animal: Cleaning Your Cichlid Aquarium

Cleaning Your Cichlid Aquarium

Cleaning your cichlid aquarium is a big job at the best of times. To wash these items in fresh running water would destroy the friendly bacteria and effectively require the aquarium to cycle again.

Pets & Animal: Steps to Take Care of Your Baby Goldfish

Steps to Take Care of Your Baby Goldfish

Goldfish are an aesthetic addition to any home and require less care than the average dog or cat. When interested in breeding your fish, or if you just happened to inherit baby goldfish, take the appropriate steps in guaranteeing them a healthy start to a long life.

Pets & Animal: Tips on Atlantic Blue Tang Care

Tips on Atlantic Blue Tang Care

Atlantic blues are non-aggressive toward other species. They can be successfully integrated into a community environment without any problems. These fish do demonstrate territorial behavior and have been known to become combative with other members of their species. It is therefore recommended that

Pets & Animal: White-Spot (Ich) Treatment in Tropical Ornamental Fishes

White-Spot (Ich) Treatment in Tropical Ornamental Fishes

Treatment of White-spot (Ich) disease in Ornamental, exotic, tropical fishes by Copper sulphate, formalin, salt, etc. Adequate measure should be taken to reduce stress of the fish. Increase in temperature reduces the span of life of the parasite, thus quickens recovery of the fish.