Pets & Animal Pets Fish

Think Before You Start a Freshwater Fish Aquarium Hobby

Starting any hobby is great if you've got the enthusiasm, excitement and ability.
But they soon disappear if you start without thinking first about what you need and how to go about the initial set up.
Instead, you have apathy, disillusionment and demotivation.
This is precisely what you don't want when you start your new freshwater fish aquarium.
Much of the time, excitement takes over our sober thinking and we just rush out to do and to get what we think is necessary for our newly found hobby.
This seems to be the main reason that people give in after a few weeks of owning a freshwater fish aquarium.
They start it knowing next to nothing but thinking that it doesn't matter.
In other words they have a "I'll learn as I go along" type of mentality.
Folks, this is certainly not the right way to go about your start.
You most certainly need to know quite a bit of fundamental information so that everything begins correctly and you don't get yourself into any pit falls.
Do you really know what size aquarium tank to use and why it should be that size? Do you know how to keep the water clean and free from algae? Do you know what substrate is and how to use it? Do you know which fish will eat other fish? Forgive me, but I hope you see the point I am making.
You see, without basic knowledge you will fail at the beginning and lose out on such a rewarding, relaxing and interesting hobby as keeping a freshwater fish aquarium You need this information before starting, and it doesn't take long to find it and research it.
It's very interesting actually.
So please do the right thing and think before you start.
Simply take some time to read up on the basics and you will remain positive, enthusiastic and motivated for many years to come.
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