Health & Medical: Can Acid Reflux Be Cured at Home?

Can Acid Reflux Be Cured at Home?

This article is about home remedies to cure acid reflux. Nowadays, there are various home remedy solutions available to treat this type of disease, which often attacks its victims unpredictably. You might not be aware of it, but a teaspoon of one of your condiments at home might just be one of the b

Health & Medical: Severity of C. difficile Infection in IBD

Severity of C. difficile Infection in IBD

How common is it for patients with IBD to contract C. difficile, and how severe is the disease in this subset of patients? This new study investigates.

Health & Medical: What to Do For Acid Reflux

What to Do For Acid Reflux

What to do for heartburn is a question in the minds of many people? Heartburn is a disease which is common in people of all ages. It is the back flow of acidic contents of the stomach into the esophagus. There are many remedies available for this disease.

Health & Medical: How to Prep for a Colonoscopy

How to Prep for a Colonoscopy

GolytelyGolytely is a powder that is mixed with water. The doctor ordering the colonoscopy will write you a prescription for it. You will receive instructions from the pharmacist as to how much of the solution to drink and in what increments to drink it. You should make sure you have...

Health & Medical: Common Digestive Problems in Infants

Common Digestive Problems in Infants

As a new parent, there are lots of things to contend with from getting baby to sleep through the night to calming an upset stomach. There are many common digestive issues your infant may deal with, many of which are easy to fix and nothing to worry about. Paying attention to clues, and keeping an

Health & Medical: How to Fix a Bent Broadfork

How to Fix a Bent Broadfork

A broadfork is used to loosen garden soil like a spade or rake does. However, unlike these other tools, a broadfork doesn't move the soil particles; it simply loosens the soil to provide aeration. A broadfork's tines are typically about 10 inches long, and if they are made of a bendable steel or str

Health & Medical: How to Ease Nausea

How to Ease Nausea

We've all had our fair share of time dealing with nausea. That icky feeling in your stomach can leave you stunned or even hugging your toilet for dear life. It all depends on how bad it gets. Usually, nausea is associated with other symptoms, but it's one that is pretty easy to lighten or even get r

Health & Medical: Special Precautions For Dealing With Acid Reflux in Babies

Special Precautions For Dealing With Acid Reflux in Babies

Acid reflux, or gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD), is quite common in babies. GERD is a condition in which acids from the stomach flow or reflux into the esophagus. GERD, being very irritating for adults, can be especially painful for babies, who are unable to communicate their feelings.