Health & Medical: Acid Reflux Home Remedies

Acid Reflux Home Remedies

Are you sick of dealing with your acid reflux and you just want it to be gone?Do you want to get rid of it the natural waywithout having to deal with surgery or expensive pills that only help treat the problem?Here are two great acid reflux homeremedies that will help you live a more comfortable lif

Health & Medical: Acid-Reflux? Are You Making These 9 Mistakes?

Acid-Reflux? Are You Making These 9 Mistakes?

Indigestion and acid-reflux are painful and can be embarrassing. You know you need to watch your diet, but how many of these common life-style mistakes are you making? Did you realize they can make your discomfort even worse?

Health & Medical: Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis

Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis

How serious is spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, who is at risk for it, how is it best diagnosed, and what can clinicians do to both prevent and treat it?

Health & Medical: Natural History of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Natural History of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The natural history of IBS is unclear, including the likelihood that these patients will be diagnosed with an alternative organic or functional GI disorder.

Health & Medical: How to Perform Health Assessment of a Pressure Ulcer

How to Perform Health Assessment of a Pressure Ulcer

Pressure ulcers occur due to prolonged, unrelieved pressure on the skin. They are also referred to as bed sores, pressure sores or decubitus ulcers. Pressure ulcers are wounds that appear in particular areas of the skin that have been subjected to pressure. Some causes of this condition are impaired

Health & Medical: Do you have diabetes? Gastroparesis has been associated with diabetes

Do you have diabetes? Gastroparesis has been associated with diabetes

Gastroparesis, also called delayed gastric emptying, is a disorder in which the stomach takes too long to empty its contents. It often occurs in people with type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes. This can lead to more pressure against the lower esophageal sphincter, forcing it to relax prematurely, whi

Health & Medical: How to Locate GNC Stores

How to Locate GNC Stores

GNC began operations in 1935 with a single store in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. At that time, the company name was Lackzoom. reports that the original store sold yogurt, honey and grains. When the company expanded, the name changed to General Nutrition Centers. In June 2010, GNC repor

Health & Medical: Fruit Juice, Soda Often Source of Gas

Fruit Juice, Soda Often Source of Gas

A report at this week's meeting of the American College of Gastroenterology finds that nearly half of normal people get gas from fructose. This common fruit sugar is found in fruit juice and is used as a sweetener in some soft drinks.

Health & Medical: Simple and Natural Remedies for Heartburn

Simple and Natural Remedies for Heartburn

Natural remedies for heartburn provide relief to heartburn sufferers. Heartburn can be mild but it can be a cause for alarm, especially if it occurs frequently.

Health & Medical: Foods to Eat With Gastric Ulcers

Foods to Eat With Gastric Ulcers

A gastric ulcer is caused by part of the stomach lining deteriorating. This deterioration is the result of an imbalance between a stomach enzyme, called pepsin, and the defenses inherent in the stomach lining. It's not uncommon for people with gastric ulcers to have no symptoms.

Health & Medical: How to Heal Pressure Ulcers

How to Heal Pressure Ulcers

A pressure sores is called a bed sore, or decubitus ulcer. It is an injury to the skin and tissues. A pressure sore can develop from sitting or lying in one position too long, and can appear on certain areas of the body. Healing pressure sores depends on nutrition, pressure relief and care of the so