September 2003: Medscape Gastroenterology -- Your Place for CME
The Editor provides a guide to the numerous opportunities for continuing medical education available on the Web site.
The Editor provides a guide to the numerous opportunities for continuing medical education available on the Web site.
Sick with the "stomach flu"? WebMD explains what causes stomach "bugs" (gastroenteritis) and how it's treated.
Eating breakfast on the run may be bad for your heart.
Lipase is an enzyme that breaks down fats. Many fat-containing foods also supply lipase for proper digestion of the fat. However, enzymes are destroyed at 118 degrees F. Therefore, cooked foods typically don't supply the enzymes required for proper digestion.
Learn some quick and easy ways to provide relief for your acid reflux. Six ways to naturally relieve your heartburn.
New Procedure Helps Some Skip Surgery When Drugs Don't Work
Understanding clinical, radiologic, and pathologic features of common liver masses helps clinicians across multiple specialties to not only accurately diagnose them but also better direct management.
This study investigated the hypothesis that the exogenous application of phosphatidylcholine has anti-inflammatory properties.
What does the latest research tell us about the preventive effects of low-dose aspirin on the development of colorectal tumors, and should it be routinely prescribed?
What type of an effect does disruptive GERD have on a patient's quality of life? This new study takes a look.
Heartburn is affecting around half of the American population. The issue can be diagnosed very easily and it has so many natural methods to do so.
Acid reflux pain is caused due to several reasons like eating certain kinds of food, gastrointestinal problems and stress. In the heartburn condition, the stomach acid reaches esophagus causing its inflammation and injury. Due to such esophageal injury, the patient feels a burning pain in the throat
There are two types of antidiarrheal drugs: those that thicken the stool and those that slow intestinal spasms.The thickening mixtures (such as psyllium) contain clay or fruit pectin and absorb the bacteria and toxins in the intestine. They are safe because they do not go into the blood, but these p
Even though the name may sound heart related, heartburn has nothing to do with the heart. However the symptoms of heartburn are very similar to a heart attack. Heartburn is also known as acid indigestion, which is an irritation of the esophagus. This irritation is caused by acid, which comes back up
Affecting almost 1 in 4 Americans, fatty liver is one of the most common preventable health problems faced by adults today.
This Viewpoint discusses evidence for a link between diet and esophageal cancer and the influence it might have with regard to the prevention of esophageal cancer.
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of gas and bloating, including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
In the early days of molecular biology, scientists commonly used restriction mapping to understand the genes they were studying. In modern research labs, restriction mapping is largely outdated because sequencing has become more widely available and more economical than in the past. However, there
Illustration copyright 2003 Nucleus Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. ...
Hiatal hernia is a condition that occurs when a section of your stomach pushes through and opening in your diaphragm. This condition can cause acid reflux (stomach acid that backs up into the esophagus). It is a common condition and usually occurs in people over 50.