Health & Medical: Snoring - Prevention is Better Than the Cure

Snoring - Prevention is Better Than the Cure

Snoring is such a common problem that a lot of people have even learnt to live with it, ignoring its existence altogether. But there are people still who suffer a lot from this condition caused by loose tissues blocking the air passage within the throat. Unfortunately these loose tissues only seem t

Health & Medical: Tips On Dealing With Insomnia

Tips On Dealing With Insomnia

A person who suffers from sleepless nights knows how hard it is. Insomnia is a sleep disorder found very common these days. Besides a tiresome and restless time in bed, it also leads to fatigue during days. Due to lack of sleep, a person always experience frustration and depression.

Health & Medical: Sleep Innovations 2-Inch Memory Foam Mattress Topper

Sleep Innovations 2-Inch Memory Foam Mattress Topper

Many people find themselves struggling hard to get sleep during the night by moving and turning over again and again, in order to gain a proper position where their whole body feels comfortable and the pressure points are not being stressed. If you are facing this problem then the problem lies most

Health & Medical: Melatonin helps you get some zzzzzzzzzz

Melatonin helps you get some zzzzzzzzzz

Insomnia is one of many sleeping disorders that affect the general population. Hear we discuss how to improve from sleeping disorder.

Health & Medical: Key Tips for a Good Night's Sleep

Key Tips for a Good Night's Sleep

If there is one thing that the average person needs more of, it is sleep. Rest does not just make life seem easier, it is vital for keeping up good health. The quality of one's life along with, research has shown, the length of one's life are heavily dictated by getting enough quality slee

Health & Medical: Top 7 Insomnia Remedies

Top 7 Insomnia Remedies

There are many remedies to insomnia but most people try all of them half heartily which means none of them work, in this article I show you the top 7 methods to curing your insomnia, ensure you try all of the below methods and check which ones work best for you. 1.)The first is diet, this is simply

Health & Medical: Is There a Risk of Pregnancy Induced Snoring?

Is There a Risk of Pregnancy Induced Snoring?

Not only will the sleep deprivation very quickly take a toll upon the mother who isnot able to properly sleep, but the unborn child will be affected with the side effects of the mother's on going sleep disturbances.With the lack of sleep making your brain feel dull, your body will lack energy,

Health & Medical: The Sleep Problems That Will Affect Your Health

The Sleep Problems That Will Affect Your Health

First, you have to identify the causes of sleep problem and believe that you are possible to improve your sleep quality and able to cure it effectively and permanently. Some of the common sleep problems that faced by many adults nowadays are they complaining about lack of sleep, do not feel refreshe

Health & Medical: Antidepressants For Insomnia - Are They Better Than Sleeping Pills?

Antidepressants For Insomnia - Are They Better Than Sleeping Pills?

If you have ever suffered from depression or known someone that has, you know that insomnia often comes with it as package deal.It can go either way, the insomnia can cause the depression or the depression can cause the insomnia. Either way, many people are prescribed antidepressants to help with th

Health & Medical: The 'Body Clock' Way to Better Health

The 'Body Clock' Way to Better Health

The professor's life was out of whack. A busy woman, she was bushed by 8 or 9 p.m., but pushed herself to stay up working most nights till 11:30. Then came the aggravating part: 'I'd be lying there till maybe 1, maybe 1:30, before I could finally fall asleep.

Health & Medical: Eliminate Snoring With a Stop Snoring Pillow

Eliminate Snoring With a Stop Snoring Pillow

You may not know it but your snoring problem can be due to your sleeping position. Take note that when you are sleeping on your back, there is a high possibility that you will be breathing through your mouth thus lead to snoring. According to various studies, almost 60% of snoring cases are due to i

Health & Medical: Jet Lag

Jet Lag

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of jet lag, including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Health & Medical: Essential Tips To Stop Snoring

Essential Tips To Stop Snoring

Everybody snores, and that is a fact of life. Research has found that men, and people who are overweight tend to snore more. The frequency and intensity of snoring will also increase as people begin to age.

Health & Medical: Relaxation Techniques to Help You Sleep Quickly

Relaxation Techniques to Help You Sleep Quickly

Relaxation techniques can be very effective in helping you get to sleep. Try out any one of these exercises to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. They require no special equipment and can be put to use immediately.

Health & Medical: Side Effects of Sleep Apnea

Side Effects of Sleep Apnea

Aside from causing sleep deprivation, the many side effects of sleep apnea are concerning. Not surprisingly, the side effects of sleep apnea can be very dangerous and serious. In fact, sleep apnea can

Health & Medical: What Really Causes Snoring?

What Really Causes Snoring?

It has happened to all of us at least once in our lives. We go to sleep at night, happy to finally get some rest from what has been a very hectic workday, and all of a sudden we are jarred awake by a noise. Perhaps that noise is coming directly out of your mouth, or maybe it is coming from the mouth

Health & Medical: Want to Stop Snoring? Change the Way You Sleep!

Want to Stop Snoring? Change the Way You Sleep!

Snoring, though a favorite butt of several jokes in social circles is a health condition, this is far from being funny for the sufferer and his or her family. As surprising as it may sound, snoring statistics are staggering. Nearly half of the adult population in this country snore occasionally and