Health & Medical: Moving on Technology

Moving on Technology

Every stage of human life has its own beauty. Elderly stage also depicts its beauty, but it brings along certain disadvantages especially in terms of locomotion. Technology has highly improvised the life of elderly members of our society. With the designing of safe and secure mobility devices, the o

Health & Medical: Options For Navigating Stairs in a Wheel Chair

Options For Navigating Stairs in a Wheel Chair

If you are considering your options for a way to get up and down stairs using a wheel chair, a specialized wheel chair stair lift should certainly be considered alongside a chair lift for stairs. If you or a loved one has a lot of difficulty leaving moving in and out of a wheel chair, a chair lift m

Health & Medical: Frontal Lobe Brain Injuries and Short-Term Memory Loss

Frontal Lobe Brain Injuries and Short-Term Memory Loss

Short-term memory loss is almost always a result of frontal lobe brain injuries.Shortly after the injury has happened, the short-term memory loss can be so severe that the memory of visitors will last only until shortly after the visitor has left and memories of what has last been eaten will be irre

Health & Medical: Reliable Acorn Stairlifts

Reliable Acorn Stairlifts

Acorn stairlifts are known throughout the world for their workmanship and reliability. They are the lifts of choice for people who have mobility problems and who cannot easily get up and down the stairs. These lifts give people with disabilities the chance to go to parts of the house that would have

Health & Medical: How to Apply for Stair Lifts on Disability

How to Apply for Stair Lifts on Disability

If you become disabled, a stair lift can mean the difference between remaining in your residence and being independent, or having to move from your home. If you are on disability but would benefit from a stair lift in your home to enhance your quality of life and maintain your independence, you have

Health & Medical: Free Power Wheelchairs and Motorized Scooters

Free Power Wheelchairs and Motorized Scooters

Free Power Wheelchairs and Motorized Scooters Did you know that Medicare and your state's Medicaid will pay every single dime of the cost of a power wheelchair for you if your doctor says that you ...

Health & Medical: Inclusive Play Community Series: Intergenerational Play

Inclusive Play Community Series: Intergenerational Play

As a father of young children, afternoons spent at local parks and playgrounds are not an uncommon occurrence. Months ago, while chasing my children up, down and around chutes and ladders, I suddenly noticed a ...

Health & Medical: Crutches and Walking Sticks

Crutches and Walking Sticks

When somebody needs assistance walking they will often resist mobility aids at first. The mindset is 'I don't need something like that, they are for old people'. However, walking aids should be looked at the same way as a pair of glasses or orthotic shoes- simply a tool that helps a p

Health & Medical: Wheelchair Ramps and How to Choose One

Wheelchair Ramps and How to Choose One

There are many people who use wheelchair ramps or power scooters. They aren't all the same. Neither are the wheelchair ramps that serve them. Find out about wheelchair ramps and how to choose one for your needs.

Health & Medical: How to Disable a Weave

How to Disable a Weave

Weave is the name of an extension for Firefox that is a precursor to “Firefox Sync.” This tool is used to synchronize your bookmarks, passwords browser tabs and browsing history to other connected devices. If you are not using version 3.0 or greater of the Firefox browser, you may still

Health & Medical: Adult Stem Cells Help Toddler After Spinal Cord Injury

Adult Stem Cells Help Toddler After Spinal Cord Injury

Adult Stem Cell research has made great strides recently and Marie Surprenant is walking proof of that.After a spinal cord injury, doctors said that Marie would never walk again.They were wrong.Adult Stem Cells taken from Marie's own body have helped her to be able to walk.

Health & Medical: How Do I File for VA Mental Disability?

How Do I File for VA Mental Disability?

Mental disability is an undesired, yet possible fallout of a career as a military veteran. The stresses and strains of a career in the armed forces can take their toll on not only the body, but on the mind as well. A bodily injury is at times more easily treatable or curable than a mental one. The e

Health & Medical: Technology Used for the Hearing Impaired

Technology Used for the Hearing Impaired

Many individuals dealing with hearing impairment are faced with a number of day-to-day challenges that most people with regular hearing take for granted. However, many products--such as specialized telephones and alarm clocks--have been created to assist deaf people. These technologies can make a pe